Deep_Learning_for_Computer_Vision_with_Python 的中册Practitioner_Bundle.大概200页.
2019-12-21 20:12:58 9.57MB Deep Learning; Practitioner ;Bundle
The book is ideal for developers who have basic knowledge of Python and want to build a strong foundation in implementing computer vision algorithms. The book is also suitable for developers with theoretical knowledge of computer vision but who lack the experience of implementing the algorithms.
2019-12-21 20:12:17 19.63MB python computer vision
英文书名《Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications》,中文版为《计算机视觉-算法与应用》。 Richard Szeliski这位牛的这本《Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications》终于出中文版了,书名叫《计算机视觉:算法与应用》,艾海舟老师组翻译的。之前的英文版是2010年由Springer正式出版的,很贵,相当的贵,在亚马逊上也卖出了惊人的89.95美刀的定价和71.97美刀的折扣价(合人民币598.977元和479.248元)(据说还算一般的贵),这个故事告诉我们在世界上有些地方,知识是相当值钱。
2019-12-21 20:11:09 22.14MB 算法与应用 cv computer vision
vision pro 初学者试用示例教程,只要学通这些示例即能完成一般的视觉项目
2019-12-21 19:59:44 7.99MB 康耐视 visionpro 示例教程
With the ongoing release of 3D movies and the emergence of 3D TVs, 3D imaging technologies have penetrated our daily lives. Yet choosing from the numerous 3D vision methods available can be frustrating for scientists and engineers, especially without a comprehensive resource to consult. Filling this gap, Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology and Imaging gives an extensive, in-depth look at the most popular 3D imaging techniques. It focuses on noninvasive, noncontact optical methods (optical metrology and imaging). The handbook begins with the well-studied method of stereo vision and explains how random speckle patterns or space-time varying patterns substantially improve the results of stereo vision. It then discusses stereo particle image velocimetry as a major experimental means in fluid dynamics, the robust and easy-to-implement structured-light technique for computer science applications, digital holography for performing micro- to nanoscale measurements, and grating, interferometry, and fringe projection techniques for precisely measuring dynamically deformable natural objects. The book goes on to describe techniques that do not require triangulation to recover a 3D shape, including time-of-flight techniques and uniaxial 3D shape measurement, as well as 3D measurement techniques that are not restricted to surface capture, such as 3D ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, and 3D endoscopy. The book also explores how novel 3D imaging techniques are being applied in the promising field of biometrics―which may prove essential to security and public safety. Written by key players in the field and inventors of important imaging technologies, this authoritative, state-of-the-art handbook helps you understand the core of 3D imaging technology and choose the proper 3D imaging technique for your needs. For each technique, the book provides its mathematical foundations, summarizes its successful applications, and discusses its limitations.
2019-12-21 19:55:41 17.61MB Handbook 3D machine vision
This book came originally fromlecture notes used to teach students on computational/theoretical vision. Some readers may find that a paper, Zhaoping (2006) “Theoretical understanding of the early visual processes by data compression and data selection” in Network: Computation in neural systems 17(4):301-334, is an abbreviation of some parts in chapter 2-4 of this book
2019-12-21 19:51:05 7.29MB 图像处理 视觉系统
1.1 Preface 1 1.2 Design and Structure of the Eye 1 1.3 Optical Aberrations and Consequences for Visual Performance 5 1.4 Chromatic Aberration 9 1.5 Neural Adaptation to Monochromatic Aberrations 12 1.6 Optimizing Retinal Processing with Limited Cell Numbers, Space and Energy 13 1.7 Adaptation to Different Light Levels 13 1.8 Rod and Cone Responses 15 1.9 Spiking and Coding 18 1.10 Temporal and Spatial Performance 19 1.11 ON/OFF Structure, Division of the Whole Illuminance Amplitude in Two Segments 20 1.12 Consequences of the Rod and Cone Diversity on Retinal Wiring 21 1.13 Motion Sensitivity in the Retina 21 1.14 Visual Information Processing in Higher Centers 23 1.14.1 Morphology 23 1.14.2 Functional Aspects – Receptive Field Structures and Cortical Modules 24 1.15 Effects of Attention 26 1.16 Color Vision, Color Constancy, and Color Contrast 27 1.17 Depth Perception 28 1.18 Adaptation in the Visual System to Color, Spatial, and Temporal Contrast 29 1.19 Conclusions 30 References 32
2019-12-21 19:50:42 17.88MB 图像处理 机器视觉 手册 电子书
计算机图形学英文原版书籍。 This work provides an introduction to the foundations of three-dimensional computer vision and describes recent contributions to the field, which are of methodical and application-specific nature. Each chapter of this work provides an extensive overview of the corresponding state of the art, into which a detailed description of new methods or evaluation results in application-specific systems is embedded.
2019-12-21 19:49:54 23.14MB 计算机视觉 计算机图形学
vision2016版本 带破解工具,里面有完整的破解说明
2019-12-21 19:49:07 3.29MB vision 破解
QT开发的视频采集并定时上传到服务器例程 使用到了OpenCV库函数
2019-12-21 19:46:31 6KB Vision Grabber Server Auto