2021-08-22 16:03:04 3.11MB c++ 飞翔的小鸟 游戏开发 visual
Situational Game Design (2018, A K Peters_CRC Press_Taylor & Francis).pdf
2021-08-22 04:56:52 1.93MB Game Design
2021-08-21 19:00:37 1.89MB 安全
2021-08-21 13:01:52 152KB erlang
2021-08-21 13:01:36 1.64MB 互联网
The intuitive and powerful Unity game engine is one of the most widely used and best loved packages for game development. Unity scripting is an essential but challenging skill to master in order to create custom game elements. Learning modular scripting allows you to rewrite as little code as possible as you deploy your scripts to multiple projects and work easier, quicker, and more efficiently than before. In each chapter of this book, you'll learn how to script new game elements. Beginning with making custom controls for the keyboard and mouse, as well as the Xbox 360 Controller, you'll then get to grips with more complex systems such as inventory, data saving, and artificial intelligence. As you create these elements, you'll also learn how to make your scripts simpler and easy to use. This will allow drag-and-drop deployment, which is to be used by designers and nonprogrammers. Finally, you'll combine all of your newfound skills to create your own complete game project.
2021-08-19 22:49:57 7.55MB unity game script
Unity 2017 Game AI Programming(3rd) 英文epub 第3版 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-08-19 22:49:29 17.15MB Unity 2017 Game Programming
Harness the power of Procedural Generation to design unique games with Unity About This Book Learn the basics of PCG development Develop a 2D game from start to finish Explore all the different ways PCG can be applied in games Who This Book Is For This book is for Unity game developers, especially those who work on indie games. You should be familiar with Unity and C# scripting but you'll be able to jump in and start learning PCG straightaway. What You Will Learn Understand the theory of Procedural Content Generation Learn the uses of Pseudo Random Numbers Create reusable algorithm designs for PCG Evaluate the data structures for PCG Develop smaller games with larger amounts of content Generate content instead of spending time designing every minute detail Learn when and how to add PCG to your game Learn the fundamental techniques of PCG Table of Contents Chapter 1. Pseudo Random Numbers Chapter 2. Roguelike Games Chapter 3. Generating an Endless World Chapter 4. Generating Random Dungeons Chapter 5. Randomized Items Chapter 6. Generating Modular Weapons Chapter 7. Adaptive Difficulty Chapter 8. Generating Music Chapter 9. Generating a 3D Planet Chapter 10. Generating the Future
2021-08-19 22:42:46 5.72MB Unity Game Development
UnityR Unity3D,SignalR实时多人游戏 UnityR是一款多人游戏。 该项目包括两个主要部分: Server和Game 。 用技术制成的服务器部分和Game部分是Unity3D项目。 Unity游戏使用库连接SignalR服务器。 服务器 服务器由两个类组成: 和 。 这是Stratup.cs的概述: public class Startup { /// /// Configure the signalR program /// public void Configuration (
2021-08-19 14:27:16 5.29MB game real-time server unity
2021-08-19 09:20:08 12KB javascript game