2021-04-30 13:05:49 6.42MB ios swift
lerp功能 该Swift Playground包含与线性插值有关的功能,并演示了这些功能。 lerp 此功能演示了线性插值,使您可以沿两个已知点之间的路径查找未知点。 此函数使用三个参数: pointOne和pointTwo是Double值,而percentage是0.0到1.0之间的Double值。 此函数返回一个Double值,该值是沿pointOne和pointTwo之间的路径行进percentage 。 lerpRange 这个函数有三个参数: pointOne和pointTwo都是Double值,而percentages是阵列Double值表示百分数(之间0.0和1.0 )。 此函数返回一个Double值数组,该数组是按percentages数组中每个percentage值在两个提供的点之间进行插值的结果。 注意:如果在用例调用lerpRange传递给等间距的百分比数组,
2021-04-30 12:03:07 13KB swift playground linear-algebra playgrounds
Kompare-无过渡照片比较 iOS扩展程序,可让您比较照片而无需任何过渡或幻灯片动画。 版本:1.0 支持的设备:通用(iOS 10+)
2021-04-30 12:03:01 1.6MB Swift
所有低于当前最新 iOS DeviceSupport 的手机系统都可以使用,如果遇到copy后无法使用情况,请尝试重启Xcode并且等待Xcode配置进度条完后再进行真机测试! 具体使用方法就是解压后直接将整个文件夹copy到以下地址,然后关闭Xcode并且重新打开 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
2021-04-29 01:44:53 19.13MB xcode swift ios
2021-04-28 19:24:36 10KB Swift开发-其它杂项
2021-04-28 09:43:44 3.76MB 其他
2021-04-26 21:12:31 4.87MB Swift开发-完整项目
2021-04-25 09:00:06 11KB 第一次上传
1.基于IOS swift开发的LBS APP 2.同济大学软件工程ios课程项目,有详细的文档说明和答辩PPT
2021-04-24 18:01:46 186.02MB ios swift oc lbs
Up to date for iOS 13, Xcode 11 & Swift 5.1 With SwiftUI, you can define what your app’s UI should do with concise, declarative language, and say goodbye to tons of confusing UIKit code. Build modern, responsive UI and animations that look great on iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS or even macOS! Build fluid and engaging declarative UI for your apps — using less code — with SwiftUI! SwiftUI by Tutorials is designed to help you learn how to transition from the “old way” of building your app UI with UIKit, to the “new way” of building responsive UI with modern declarative syntax with SwiftUI. This book is for readers who are comfortable building Swift apps, and want to make the exciting leap into building their app UI with modern, declarative code. What is SwiftUI? SwiftUI lets you build better apps, faster, and with less code. It’s a developer’s dream come true! With SwiftUI, you can design your user interfaces in a declarative way; instead of developing app interfaces in an imperative way, by coding all of the application state logic before time, you can instead define what your app’s UI should do in a particular state and let the underlying OS figure out how to do it. What’s more is that SwiftUI lets you build modern, responsive UI and animations for all Apple devices — not just iOS. So whether you’re building apps for iOS, watchOS, tvOS or any other Apple platform, you can use the same concise, natural language to describe your UI and have it look stunning — no matter where your code runs. In addition, SwiftUI’s built-in automatic support for things such as dark mode, localization and accessibility, along with Xcode 11 support for drag-and-drop design and instant preview makes it easier to build apps than ever before.
2021-04-24 09:28:46 100.49MB swift swiftui