For SAS programmers or analysts who need to generalize their programs or improve programming efficiency, Art Carpenter thoroughly updates his highly successful second edition of Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language with an extensive collection of new macro language techniques and examples. Addressing the composition and operation of the SAS macro facility and the SAS macro language, this third edition offers nearly 400 ready-to-use macros, macro functions, and macro tools that enable you to convert SAS code to macros, define macro variables, and more! Users with a basic understanding of Base SAS who are new to the SAS macro language will find more detail, utilities, and references to additional learning opportunities; advanced macro language programmers who need help with data-driven macros and dynamic application development will find greatly expanded treatment of these topics. This revised and enlarged edition includes the following topics: New and expanded introduction to the macro language Functions, automatic macro variables, and macro statements new to the macro language Expanded macro language tools that interface with the operating system Expanded data-driven methodologies used to build dynamic applications Expanded discussion of list processing, with four alternative approaches presented Additional file and data management examples Expanded discussion of CALL EXECUTE and DOSUBL New discussion of using the macro language on remote servers Expanded discussion and examples of macro quoting Far beyond a reference manual issued from an “ivory tower,” this book is pragmatic and example-driven: Yes, you will find syntax examples; yes, the code is explained. But the focus of this book is on actual code used to solve real-world business problems. In fact, an entire appendix is dedicated to listing the nearly 70 classes of problems that are solved by programs covered in this edition. Discussion of the examples elucidates the pros and cons of the particular solution and often suggests alternative approaches. Therefore, this book provides you both a compendium of reusable and adaptable code, and opportunities for deepening your understanding and growing as a SAS programmer.
2022-02-09 02:24:45 8.69MB sas
"Learning Perl (7th Edition)" English | ISBN: 1491954329 | 2016 If you’re just getting started with Perl, this is the book you want—whether you’re a programmer, system administrator, or web hacker. Nicknamed "the Llama" by two generations of users, this bestseller closely follows the popular introductory Perl course taught by the authors since 1991. This seventh edition covers recent changes to the language up to version 5.24. Perl is suitable for almost any task on almost any platform, from short fixes to complete web applications. Learning Perl teaches you the basics and shows you how to write programs up to 128 lines long—roughly the size of 90% of the Perl programs in use today. Each chapter includes exercises to help you practice what you’ve just learned. Other books may teach you to program in Perl, but this book will turn you into a Perl programmer. Topics include: Perl data and variable types Subroutines File operations Regular expressions String manipulation (including Unicode) Lists and sorting
2022-02-08 14:11:25 5.51MB Perl
视频播放插件AVPro Video - Core Edition 2.3.1,较新版本,内含Unity商店下载链接,支持播放常规视频以及VR全景视频亲测可用,支持8k
2022-02-07 19:09:20 50.6MB unity 音视频 vr 游戏引擎
2022-02-07 13:02:35 19.22MB ehlib
这是Joseph O'Rourke 1998年的著作《Computational Geometry in C》-Second Edition,介绍了图形学,机器人和工业设计领域应用的计算几何算法设计和实现,涵盖了计算几何中使用的所有基本技术:多边形三角剖分、凸包、Voronoi图,排列、几何查找、运动规划等。
2022-02-06 16:14:49 9.66MB 计算几何 算法
This 4th edition of the leading reference volume on distance metrics is characterized by updated and rewritten sections on some items suggested by experts and readers, as well a general streamlining of content and the addition of essential new topics. Though the structure remains unchanged, the new edition also explores recent advances in the use of distances and metrics for e.g. generalized distances, probability theory, graph theory, coding theory, data analysis.,解压密码
2022-02-05 23:41:14 6.02MB 英文
A First Course in Machine Learning, Second Edition (Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition) by Simon Rogers, Mark Girolami 2016 | ISBN: 1498738486 | English | 427 pages | PDF | 161 MB "A First Course in Machine Learning by Simon Rogers and Mark Girolami is the best introductory book for ML currently available. It combines rigor and precision with accessibility, starts from a detailed explanation of the basic foundations of Bayesian analysis in the simplest of settings, and goes all the way to the frontiers of the subject such as infinite mixture models, GPs, and MCMC." ―Devdatt Dubhashi, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University, Sweden "This textbook manages to be easier to read than other comparable books in the subject while retaining all the rigorous treatment needed. The new chapters put it at the forefront of the field by covering topics that have become mainstream in machine learning over the last decade." ―Daniel Barbara, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA "The new edition of A First Course in Machine Learning by Rogers and Girolami is an excellent introduction to the use of statistical methods in machine learning. The book introduces concepts such as mathematical modeling, inference, and prediction, providing ‘just in time’ the essential background on linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory that the reader needs to understand these concepts." ―Daniel Ortiz-Arroyo, Associate Professor, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark "I was impressed by how closely the material aligns with the needs of an introductory course on machine learning, which is its greatest strength…Overall, this is a pragmatic and helpful book, which is well-aligned to the needs of an introductory course and one that I will be looking at for my own students in coming months." ―David Clifton, University of Oxford, UK "The first edition of this book was already an excellent introductory text on machine learning for an advanced undergraduate or taught masters level course, or indeed for anybody who wants to learn about an interesting and important field of computer science. The additional chapters of advanced material on Gaussian process, MCMC and mixture modeling provide an ideal basis for practical projects, without disturbing the very clear and readable exposition of the basics contained in the first part of the book." ―Gavin Cawley, Senior Lecturer, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, UK "This book could be used for junior/senior undergraduate students or first-year graduate students, as well as individuals who want to explore the field of machine learning…The book introduces not only the concepts but the underlying ideas on algorithm implementation from a critical thinking perspective." ―Guangzhi Qu, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA
2022-02-05 04:55:55 161.23MB Machine Learning MATLAB Python
Chemistry 10th Edition Raymond Chang Great book for chemistry !
2022-02-04 11:08:51 88.59MB Chemistry Raymond Chang
带有Node.js 10的RESTful Web API设计-第三版 这是发行的的代码存储库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 本书面向希望通过学习如何基于Node.js平台开发可扩展的服务器端RESTful应用程序来丰富其开发技能的开发人员。 您还需要了解HTTP通信概念,并且应该对JavaScript语言有一定的了解。 请记住,这不是一本会教您如何使用JavaScript编程的书。 了解REST将是一个额外的优势,但绝对不是必需的。 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 每个文件夹均以数字开头,后跟应用程序名称。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: router.get('/v1/item/:itemId', function(request, response, next) { console.log(request.url + '
2022-02-03 20:40:25 64KB
Title: SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition By: Daniel J. Barrett, Richard E. Silverman, Robert G. Byrnes Publisher: O'Reilly Media
2022-02-03 12:21:31 6.33MB SSH