供AI智能体学习的室内场景合成数据集, 其中包含 卧室场景的以下几类图:深度图、实例图、法向图、渲染图、语义图、wall_mask
2021-12-20 09:06:47 200.15MB 合成游戏 app游戏
2021-12-20 09:06:47 202.02MB 合成游戏 APP源码
2021-12-19 12:06:52 456KB matlab 音乐合成
独家首发强大的个性生成工具箱微信小程序源码,超多功能的合成 一款超强大的个性组成微信小程序源码 内包含了几十种不一样的合成器 该小程序由以下功能合成: 繁体字转换(支持简繁双转换) 个性签名网名生成(支持自定义生成,另外还附有数不清的模板选择) 火星文转换 上下标电话号码生成 花体英文转换 翅膀昵称生成 英文大小写 汉字转拼音 文字翻转倒立 竖排文字转换 花边特效生成 繁体微信名 繁体字签名 繁体字网名 繁体字数字等等就不一一列出来了具体大家自行研究吧 总得而言,这也是一款属于签名网名这类的一款工具箱吧 而且里面的功能包含了所有的细节,挺丰富又不会觉得多余的
2021-12-18 12:06:24 41.38MB 工具箱
2021-12-15 21:51:42 5KB spotlight 雷达波束 SAR 合成孔径波束
Unity3d实现语音合成,包含试听和选择路径保存下载功能项目源码。 建议先看说明:
2021-12-15 21:25:05 43KB Unity3d 项目源码 语音合成
This lecture series gives comprehensive overview of the broad field of advanced radar systems, signal and data processing. The series starts with a lecture by U. Nickel in which the basic and fundamental of signal processing for phased array radar and their problems with grating lobes, ambiguities, and angle estimation for instance. The lecture “Advanced target tracking techniques” by W. Koch gives a short introduction to the principle of target tracking and several approaches are discussed for sequential track extraction and for phased-array radars. In the third lecture P. Berens gives an introduction to the synthetic aperture radar (SAR). T. Johnsen provides an overview of bi- and multistatic radar and their associated problems like synchronization, timing, and signal processing. The second lecture of U. Nickel focuses on the problem of adaptive array signal processing and provides the fundamental understanding for the next two lectures. The focus of these lectures, presented by W. Bürger, is on space-time adaptive processing. In his second lecture P. Berens continues with the topic of the synthetic aperture radar and expands the presented techniques to wideband SAR and multichannel SAR/MTI systems. W. Koch’s second paper focuses on sensor data and information fusion, which is essential to extract key-information for the final judgement using several sensors. In summery, this Lecture Series presents a unique overview of the state of the art of advanced radar and the associated signal and data processing research. It offers a variety of material for all those being involved in this scientific area, e.g. students, university teachers, researchers, industrial system designers, and military users.
一款超强大的个性组成微信小程序源码 内包含了几十种不一样的合成器 该小程序由以下功能合成: 繁体字转换(支持简繁双转换) 个性签名网名生成(支持自定义生成,另外还附有数不清的模板选择) 火星文转换 上下标电话号码生成 花体英文转换 翅膀昵称生成 英文大小写 汉字转拼音 文字翻转倒立 竖排文字转换 花边特效生成 繁体微信名 繁体字签名 繁体字网名 繁体字数字等等就不一一列出来了具体大家自行研究吧 总得而言,这也是一款属于签名网名这类的一款工具箱吧 而且里面的功能包含了所有的细节,挺丰富又不会觉得多余的 好了也不多说那么多了,说了你们也不一定会看,下面就看看小编的测试演示图吧
2021-12-15 20:10:34 2.09MB 工具箱
2021-12-15 16:34:06 90KB matlab 仿真 地震波合成