Abstract The titanic dataset gives the values of four categorical attributes for each of the 2201 people on board the Titanic when it struck an iceberg and sank. The attributes are social class (first class, second class, third class, crewmember), age (adult or child), sex, and whether or not the person survived. Data Description Origin: natural Usage: assessment Number of attributes: 4 Number of cases: 2,201 Number of prototasks: 1 Number of methods run on this dataset: 3 Contributed by: Radford Neal
2019-12-21 18:47:53 24KB titanic dataset Machine Learning
数据集包含:tmdb_5000_movies.csv、tmdb_5000_credits.csv是Kaggle平台上的项目TMDB(The Movie Database),共计4803部电影,主要为美国地区一百年间(1916-2017)的电影作品。 Python分析:https://blog.csdn.net/zhuoyue65/article/details/80285875
2019-12-21 18:47:53 9.3MB 数据挖掘 数据可视化