嵌入式系统设计的必看经典书. 作者:Jack Ganssle. 第二版。
For tens of thousands of years the human race used their muscles and the labor of animals
to build a world that differed little from that known by all their ancestors. But in 1776
James Watt installed the fi rst of his improved steam engines in a commercial enterprise,
kicking off the industrial revolution.
The 1800s were known as “ the great age of the engineer. ” Engineers were viewed as the
celebrities of the age, as the architects of tomorrow, the great hope for civilization. (For a
rful description of these times read Isamard Kingdom Brunel , by L.T.C. Rolt.) Yet
during that century, one of every four bridges failed. Tunnels routinely fl ooded.
How things have changed!
2021-10-11 19:29:10