这是一个Golang 获取wmi windows硬件信息的源代码,包括CPU,网卡,内存,硬盘等信息
2021-07-25 01:04:15 6KB golang wmi windows hardware
wmi-static-spoofer:从Windows内核欺骗Windows 10 HDDdiskdrive序列号
2021-07-17 08:08:36 14KB windows hook kernel serial
MiTeC WMI Explorer 1.0.zip
2021-07-06 09:00:58 228KB wmi
2021-06-07 18:33:38 640B wmi 服务 修复
2021-06-01 14:01:45 637B 操作系统
2021-05-08 09:00:24 22KB WMI 硬件信息
wmic 安装命令:yum install wmi-1.3.14-4.el7.art.x86_64.rpm
2021-05-07 19:00:43 7.7MB wmi
CLeWMI(发音为“线索我”)是一个命令行WMI查询工具。 它是用perl编写的,适用于Windows。 它允许从命令行动态查询WMI。 在Window NT,2000、2003和XP上均可使用。 独立的可执行文件可用。
2021-05-06 16:04:40 953KB 开源软件
WINDOWS 系统消息获取, wmi ,及硬盘相关信息contains WMI, SMART and SCSI PassThrough functions, of particular use for getting hard disk information and configuring network adaptors, but also for many other general uses. MagWMI which allows access and update of windows system information using Windows Management Instrumentation. MagWMI provides general view access to any WMI information using SQL like commands, and also a number of dedicated function relating to TCP/IP configuration, such as setting the adaptor IP addresses, the computer name, domain/workgroup, BIOS and disk drive information. There are also disk drive functions avoiding WMI, to map physical and SCSI bus disk drives, getting disk information, sizes and serial numbers. For ATA drives, SMART disk failing and fault information may be accessed. Most functions return information in simple string arrays or structures, for easy access in other applications. A demo program illustrates the use of all the functions. Note that WMI may be used to get information from both the local computer and remote computers, the latter needed a valid logon. WMI will only run locally if the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running. Running across a network also needs the RPC service running.
2021-05-01 22:11:30 416KB WMI
Source 硬件检测
2021-04-06 15:05:46 2.85MB 易语言 wmi 硬件检测