使用 VisualStudio创建ASP.NET Core MVC应用示例(英文)
2022-04-17 01:04:00 20.55MB ASP.NET Core MVC VisualStudio
Visual Studio 2017和2019的安装包,有需要的自取
2022-04-06 14:07:18 2.25MB visual studio ide visualstudio
2022-04-06 12:00:57 534KB visual studio ide visualstudio
放到 文档\Visual Studio 2015\Settings 位置下 然后打开vs2015 工具-导入和导出-导入选定的环境设置, 然后在下方的我的配置中可以找到one-dark配色文件,选择确定即可
2022-04-06 12:00:56 10KB visualstudio 配色 代码配色 vs2015
VISUAL STUDIO 安装包,一个有c++功能的东西,注意配置,可以上网去查,不然只能删除重装……时间有点长,请耐心等待 QWQ
2022-04-06 03:07:58 1.4MB visual studio visualstudio
最新版支持Visual Studio 2022的番茄助手Visual Assist X_10.9.2440
2022-04-06 01:13:51 87.68MB visual studio visualstudio 番茄助手
2022-04-05 22:03:50 999KB visualstudio
详细讲课了Visual Studio 2008提供了很多控件用于开发Windows应用程序,在本章中将介绍每一个控件的常用属性、方法、事件及其具体应用。同时,部分实例将界面设计和代码编写结合起来,开发出具有一定功能的Windows应用程序。
2022-03-22 23:52:23 69KB VisualStudio 2008
1、安装原版插件VA_X_Setup.exe; 2、找到VA_X64.dll文件所在路径 3、将压缩包中的PiaoYun64.dll和VA_X64.dll两个文件拷贝到步骤2所在目录即完成和谐操作。
2022-03-22 13:03:10 87.67MB visual studio ide visualstudio
DriverStudio 3.2 For VisualStudio 2005 补丁解决DriverStudio 3.2插件在VisualStudio 2005中无法使用的问题。原文件说明:Compuware DriverStudio – DriverSuiteVersion 3.2Version 3.2 VisualStudio 2005 Integration fix.The purpose of this update is to allow DriverStudio – DriverSuite to integrate into the VisualStudio 2005 environmentAfter extracting the files the result should have been two files and this read me. To install perform the steps below.· Close all development environment windows.· Copy the file DSDDKEnv8.dll into the \DriverStudio\Common\Bin directory. Select "yes" if prompted to copy over an existing one.· Copy the file DSDDKEnv8UI.dll into the \DriverStudio\Common\Bin\1033 directory. Select "yes" if prompted to copy over an existing one.· Then unregister the older version. Go to start->run and type "regsvr32 -u "\DriverStudio\Common\Bin\dsddkenv8.dll"· Then register the new copy. Go to start->run and type "regsvr32 "\DriverStudio\Common\Bin\dsddkenv8.dll"Contacting Technical SupportFor Non-Technical IssuesCustomer Service is available to answer any questions you might have regarding upgrades, serial numbers and other order fulfillment needs. Customer Service is available from 8:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday. Call:· In the U.S. and Canada: 1-888-283-9896· International: +1-603-578-8103For Technical IssuesTechnical Support can assist you with all your technical problems, from installation to troubleshooting. Before contacting Technical Support, please read the relevant sections of the product documentation and the Readme files.You can contact Technical Support by:· E-Mail: Include your serial number and send as many details as possible to:nashua.support@compuware.com· World Wide Web: Submit issues and access additional support services at:http://frontline.compuware.com/nashua/· Fax: Include your serial number and send as many details as possible to:1-603-578-8401· Telephone: Telephone support is available as a paid* Priority Support Service from 8:30am to 5:30pm EST, Monday through Friday. Have product version and serial number ready.·In the U.S. and Canada, call: 1-888-686-3427·International customers, call: +1-603-578-8100*Installation Issues: Technical Support handles installation and setup issues free of charge.When contacting Technical Support, please have the following information available:· Product/service pack name and version.· Product serial number.· Your system configuration: operating system, network configuration, amount of RAM, environment variables, and paths.· The details of the problem: settings, error messages, stack dumps, and the contents of any diagnostic windows.· The details of how to reproduce the problem (if the problem is repeatable).· The name and version of your compiler and linker and the options that you used in compiling and linking. Copyright 2005 Compuware Corporation
2022-03-16 17:26:48 140KB 3.2 DDK DriverStudio VisualStudio