Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:29:11 318.01MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:27:40 178.9MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:26:24 56.18MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
C# IS A RELATIVELY NEW LANGUAGE that was unveiled to the world when Microsoft announced the fi rst version of its .NET Framework in July 2000. Since then its popularity has rocketed, and it has arguably become the language of choice for desktop, web, and cloud developers who use the .NET Framework. Part of the appeal of C# comes from its clear syntax, which derives from C/C++ but simplifi es some things that have previously discouraged some programmers. Despite this sim- plifi cation, C# has retained the power of C++, and there is now no reason not to move into C#. The language is not diffi cult and it’s a great one to learn elementary programming techniques with. This ease of learning, combined with the capabilities of the .NET Framework, make C# an excellent way to start your programming career.
2023-04-03 18:45:02 10.52MB C# Visual Studio 2015
Professional Visual Studio 2015
2023-04-03 18:40:38 43.73MB Professional Visual Studio 2015
SQLite和SQL Server Compact工具箱 Visual Studio和SSMS 17.x扩展,独立的应用程序和命令行工具,用于管理SQL Server Compact / SQLite数据库文件的数据和架构的所有方面,包括代码,数据库图和数据库文档的生成。 如果您使用我的免费工具,我将不胜感激的 文献资料 下载/构建 Visual Studio扩展 释放 从下载最新版本的Visual Studio扩展(适用于3.5、4.0和SQLite) 或者只是从Visual Studio中的“工具,扩展和更新”安装! 每日建造 您可以从VSIX Gallery下载每日构建。 您还可以直接在Visual Studio中自动获取Master分支的最新版本。 如果您需要Visual Studio 2010扩展,请与我联系,我可以提供链接! SQL Server Manageme
2023-04-03 17:21:11 57.97MB visual-studio sql-server sqlite vsix
免费源代码编辑器,Visual Studio Code 默认支持非常多的编程语言,包括 JavaScript、TypeScript、CSS 和 HTML;也可以通过下载扩展支持 Python、C/C++、Java 和 Go 在内的其他语言。支持功能包括语法高亮、括号补全、代码折叠和代码片段;对于部分语言,可以使用 IntelliSense。Visual Studio Code 也支持调试 Node.js 程序。
2023-03-29 23:44:28 87.44MB vscode ide visual studio
原本PDF,非影印,C#7结合VS2017,包含书上的源代码例子。This book is intended to teach you about all aspects of C# programming, including the language itself, desktop, cloud, and cross-platform programming, making use of data sources, and some new and advanced techniques. You’ll also learn about the capabilities of Visual Studio 2017 and all the ways that this product can aid your application development.
2023-03-25 10:34:49 21.37MB C# VS2017
Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2023-03-21 18:25:18 9.48MB Beginning C# 6.0 Programming
Visual Studio 2017 正式版中英文离线安装包本地下载 26 of 26
2023-03-19 13:51:52 378.32MB 2017