作者:Vidal, René, Ma, Yi, Sastry, S.S. 2016年新书。据作者说:研究 unsupervised learning,从一百多年前的PCA讲到压缩感知,知识纵跨上百年。横跨代数几何,数理统计,高维数据处理,优化算法。而应用更涉及科学和工程各个领域,是数据科学的入门基础
2019-12-21 21:35:53 12.84MB PCA GPCA unsupervised learning
Author Ankur Patel provides practical knowledge on how to apply unsupervised learning using two simple, production-ready Python frameworks - scikit-learn and TensorFlow using Keras. With the hands-on examples and code provided, you will identify difficult-to-find patterns in data and gain deeper business insight, detect anomalies, perform automatic feature engineering and selection, and generate synthetic datasets. All you need is programming and some machine learning experience to get started.
2019-12-21 20:11:17 4.59MB Unsupe Python
The wake-sleep algorithm for unsupervised neural networks 作者Hinton,提出Helmholtz机和wake-sleep算法
2019-12-21 19:31:46 317KB 深度学习 神经网络 Helmholtz机 wake-sleep