AMESIM 热库帮助文档中文版
2021-02-08 21:02:29 2.02MB AMESIM
海曼热成像传感器32*32分辨率。The HTPA32x32d is an infrared array sensor with a resolution of 32x32 Pixel in a TO39 housing. Due to the digital I²C interface only 4 pins are needed. It has a built in EEPROM to store all calibration data and a 16-bit ADC. The Speed can be set internally via the sensor clock and ADC-resolution up to 15 Hz (highest resolution) or up to 60 Hz (lowest resolution).
2020-02-05 03:08:23 1.57MB FIR thermal imag
本人成功从Thinkpad r61i的T2330升级到T9500 CPU,刷此BIOS可解决 Thermal Sensing error错误,并且可以升级到SATA II。从国外网站上辛苦下载下来的,网络上很难找,分享给大家
2019-12-21 22:06:41 7.74MB BIOS R61i R61e thermal
Petr Krysl写的A Pragmatic Introduction to the Finite Element Method for Thermal and Stress Analysis With the Matlab toolbox SOFEA,关键是有matlab代码
2019-12-21 19:25:53 8.57MB 有限元,matlab代码