(2) 从陀螺仪中获取原始数据并处理; (3) 更新数据并输出。 2. 代码分析 官方的驱动主要是了 MPL软件库(Motion Processing Library),要移植该软件库我们需 要为它提供 I2C 读写接口、定时服务以及 MPU6050 的数据更新标志。若需要输出调试信 息到上位机,还需要提供串口接口。 I2C 读写接口 MPL库的内部对 I2C 读写时都使用 i2c_write 及 i2c_read 函数,在文件“inv_mpu.c” 中给出了它们的接口格式,见代码清单 43-1。 代码清单 43-9 I2C 读写接口(inv_mpu.c 文件) 1 /* The following functions must be defined for this platform: 2 * i2c_write(unsigned char slave_addr, unsigned char reg_addr, 3 * unsigned char length, unsigned char const *data) 4 * i2c_read(unsigned char slave_addr, unsigned char reg_addr, 5 * unsigned char length, unsigned char *data) 6 */ 7 8 #define i2c_write Sensors_I2C_WriteRegister 9 #define i2c_read Sensors_I2C_ReadRegister 这些接口的格式与我们上一小节写的 I2C 读写函数 Sensors_I2C_ReadRegister 及 Sensors_I2C_WriteRegister 一致,所以可直接使用宏替换。 提供定时服务 MPL软件库中使用到了延时及时间戳功能,要求需要提供 delay_ms 函数实现毫秒级延 时,提供 get_ms 获取毫秒级的时间戳,它们的接口格式也在“inv_mpu.c”文件中给出, 见代码清单 43-2。 代码清单 43-10 定时服务接口(inv_mpu.c 文件) 1 /* 2 * delay_ms(unsigned long num_ms) 3 * get_ms(unsigned long *count) 4 */ 5 6 #define delay_ms Delay_ms 7 #define get_ms get_tick_count 我们为接口提供的 Delay_ms 及 get_tick_count 函数定义在 bsp_SysTick.c 文件,我们使 用 SysTick 每毫秒产生一次中断,进行计时,见代码清单 43-11。 代码清单 43-11 使用 Systick 进行定时(bsp_SysTick.c) 1 2 static __IO u32 TimingDelay; 3 static __IO uint32_t g_ul_ms_ticks=0; 4 /** 5 * @brief us 延时程序,1ms 为一个单位 6 * @param 7 * @arg nTime: Delay_ms( 1 ) 则实现的延时为 1 ms 8 * @retval 无 9 */ 10 void Delay_ms(__IO u32 nTime)
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作者: Bottacchi, Stefano 出版年: 2009-1 页数: 854 定价: 1658.00元 ISBN: 9780470060612 内容简介 · · · · · · A comprehensive reference to noise and signal interference in optical fiber communications Noise and Signal Interference in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems is a compendium on specific topics within optical fiber transmission and the optimization process of the system design. It offers comprehensive treatment of noise and intersymbol interference (ISI) components affecting optical fiber communications systems, containing coverage on noise from the light source, the fiber and the receiver. The ISI is modeled with a statistical approach, leading to new useful computational methods. The author discusses the subject with the help of numerous applications and simulations of noise and signal interference theory. Key features: Complete all-in-one reference on the subject for engineers and designers of optical fiber transmission systems Discusses the physical principles behind several noise contributions encountered in the optical communications systems design, including contributions from the light source, the fiber and the receiver Covers the theory of the ISI for the binary signal, as well as noise statistics Discusses the theory and the mathematical models of the numerous noise components (such as optical noise, photodetection noise and reflection noise) Introduces the frequency description of the ISI and provides new calculation methods based on the characteristic functions Provides useful tools and examples for optimum design of optical fiber transmission networks and systems This book will serve as a comprehensive reference for researchers, R & D engineers, developers and designers working on optical transmission systems and optical communications. Advanced students in optical communications and related fields will also find this book useful.
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