Verilog Quickstart--Practical Guide to Simulation & Synthesis in Verilog
2022-03-31 19:40:21 6.14MB Verilog
Vivado Design Suite User Guide High-Level Synthesis。 UG902 (v2018.3) December 20, 2018。 The Xilinx® Vivado® High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tool transforms a C specification into a register transfer level (RTL) implementation that you can synthesize into a Xilinx field programmable gate array (FPGA). You can write C specifications in C, C++, or SystemC, and the FPGA provides a massively parallel architecture with benefits in performance, cost, and power over traditional processors. This chapter provides an overview of high-level synthesis.
2022-03-31 10:02:46 6.54MB vivado hls user guide
纹理合成 这是纹理合成算法的Torch实现,与[1]非常相似。 给定输入纹理补丁,该算法将生成相同纹理的较大版本。 这是一个例子: 输入 输出 您可以看到更多示例。 用法 纹理合成是在脚本synthesis.lua实现的。 以下命令行选项可用: -source :源图像的路径。 -output_file :应该将输出写入的路径。 -height :输出文件的高度,以像素为单位。 -width :输出文件的宽度,以像素为单位。 -k :内核大小; 必须是一个奇数整数。 -gpu :使用哪个GPU。 设置gpu >= 0将在GPU模式下运行,而设置gpu < 0将在仅CPU模式下运行。 您可以查看使用不同源图像和内核大小。 参考文献: [1] Efros,Alexei和Thomas K. Leung。 “通过非参数采样进行纹理合成。” ICCV 1999年。
2022-03-14 18:44:01 14.85MB Lua
verilog 数字系统设计 -RTL综合 测试平台与验证(第二版)书中 源代码 从学校图书馆借的原书cd直接拷贝的 电子工业出版社
2022-03-11 22:31:01 375KB verilog rtl synthesis testbench
Intelligent agents are employed as the central characters in this new introductory text. Beginning with elementary reactive agents, Nilsson gradually increases their cognitive horsepower to illustrate the most important and lasting ideas in AI. Neural networks, genetic programming, computer vision, heuristic search, knowledge representation and reasoning, Bayes networks, planning, and language understanding are each revealed through the growing capabilities of these agents. The book provides a refreshing and motivating new synthesis of the field by one of AI's master expositors and leading researchers. Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis takes the reader on a complete tour of this intriguing new world of AI.
2022-02-23 09:43:15 10.62MB AI
Verilog HDL 语言学习经典教材 PDF清晰 Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Second Edition By Samir Palnitkar
2022-02-21 17:39:51 2.15MB Verilog HDL Samir Palnitkar
Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical Primer pdf版
2022-02-18 23:43:49 5.1MB VHDL
语音合成工具 Speech synthesis,支持男声、女声、机器合成声,免安装,亲测可用!!!
2022-02-11 21:42:59 2.51MB 语音合成 支持男音、女 绿色免安装
Synthesis Tool Commands Version S-2021.06, June 2021.pdf
2022-01-10 11:39:46 11.56MB
foster dai大牛写的一本,通俗易懂,很适合设计的时候来作为参考。
2021-12-31 19:01:39 12.32MB frequency synthesis