2021-04-30 22:02:47 69KB 策略模式 设计模式
2021-04-30 21:50:13 6.68MB 游戏开发 即时战略 RTS
RTS game programming with DX9.0
2021-04-30 21:11:54 17.65MB 游戏编程 DirectX9 RTS
2021-04-07 09:01:06 513KB 企业数据
2018O奖-Forecast, Blueprint, Strategy, for EV's Future.PDF
2021-02-26 11:02:01 1.21MB 美国大学生数学建模竞赛
本文研究了一种采用坐标计算算法和光敏传感器的高精度跟踪系统。 该系统旨在满足通过光纤对集中阳光传输系统进行阳光跟踪的精度要求。 该系统基于两阶段跟踪过程,该过程包括基于坐标计算算法的粗调和使用专门设计的光敏传感器进行的细调。 感光传感器的核心是一个光电二极管矩阵,它可以通过透镜聚焦准确地检测出阳光焦点的位置。 一旦完成微调,基于太阳轨迹运行趋势的预测控制过程将开始。 由于基于坐标计算算法的太阳轨迹的可预测性和光电二极管矩阵的敏锐度,因此跟踪过程稳定且准确。 最高的跟踪精度取决于光电二极管矩阵的紧凑性,并且对坐标计算算法的精度没有限制。 所提出的系统可以以小于0.3 mm的位置精度跟踪太阳的焦点
2021-02-24 14:04:30 1.04MB Solar tracking; Hybrid strategy;
The evolvable hardware (EHW) is widely used in the design of fault-tolerant system. Fault-tolerant system is really a real-time system, and the recovery time is necessary in fault detection and recovery. However, when applying EHW, real-time characteristic is usually ignored. In this paper, a fault-tolerant strategy based on EHW is proposed. The recovery time, predicted by the fault tree analysis (FTA), is considered as a constraint condition. A configuration library is set up in the design phas
2021-02-07 12:06:35 1.62MB 研究论文
Content Strategy 101.pdf
2021-02-02 12:33:41 2.52MB 代码规范
1.UX Strategy How to Devise Innovative Digital Products That People Want 2015; 2.英文原版,PDF格式; 3.内容简介: User Experience (UX) strategy requires a careful blend of business strategy and UX design, but until now, there hasn’t been an easy-to-apply framework for executing it. This hands-on guide introduces lightweight strategy tools and techniques to help you and your team craft innovative digital products that people want to use. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, UX/UI designer, product manager, or part of an intrapreneurial team, this book teaches simple-to-advanced methods that you can use in your work right away. Along with business cases, historical context, and real-world examples throughout, you’ll also gain different perspectives on the subject through interviews with top strategists.
2020-01-20 03:15:24 27.78MB User Experience 用户体验 UX/UI设计
(狼群算法)Multi-strategy ensemble grey wolf optimizer and itsapplication to feature selec.pdf
2020-01-17 03:15:07 1002KB 狼群算法 论文