2021-12-08 09:10:49 105.75MB 数据分析 机器学习 深度学习 PyTorch
通过使用局部Hessian矩阵在2D图像中查找山脊,以找到凸线的方向(通过hessian的本征分解)。 特征向量描述了对变换不变的像素局部双导数的方向(即稳定的脊或谷)。
2021-12-02 09:32:47 2KB matlab
2021-11-27 16:34:54 739KB sdm sigma delta adc
Delta-Sigma 工具箱包括近 100 个支持 NTF 合成、调制器模拟(来自 NTF 或结构)、实现、动态范围缩放、SNR 估计等功能。 该工具箱通过随附的 DSToolbox.pdf 手册进行了详细记录。 有关工具箱和 Delta-Sigma 调制器的更多信息,请考虑购买 Pavan、Schreier 和 Temes 所著的“了解 Delta-Sigma 数据转换器,第二版”(ISBN 978-1-119-25827-8)。
2021-11-26 10:45:58 871KB matlab
分位数(Quantile),亦称分位点,是指将一个随机变量的概率分布范围分为几个等份的数值点,常用的有中位数(即二分位数)、四分位数、百分位数等。 任意一个累计分布函数 F(x)F(x)F(x) ,满足 F(x^)=σ,σ∈(0,1)F(\hat{x}) = \sigma, \sigma\in (0,1)F(x^)=σ,σ∈(0,1) 的 x^\hat{x}x^,称为分布 FFF 的分位数。 σ\sigmaσ 的含义是该分布中小于x^\hat{x}x^的数占比为σ\sigmaσ,即P(x<x^)=σP(x<\hat{x}) = \sigmaP(x<x^)=σ。 给定一个平稳时间序列,我们通常为
2021-11-25 21:57:22 87KB plot sigma 分位数
西格玛 项目设置 npm install 编译和热重装以进行开发 npm run serve 编译并最小化生产 npm run build 运行测试 npm run test 整理和修复文件 npm run lint 运行单元测试 npm run test:unit 自定义配置 请参阅。
2021-11-21 14:23:14 3.81MB Vue
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) offers engineers powerful opportunities to develop more successful systems, software, hardware, and processes. In Applying Design for Six Sigma to Software and Hardware Systems , two leading experts offer a realistic, step-by-step process for succeeding with DFSS. Their clear, start-to-finish roadmap is designed for successfully developing complex high-technology products and systems that require both software and hardware development. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience leading Six Sigma at Motorola, the authors cover the entire project lifecycle, from business case through scheduling, customer-driven requirements gathering through execution. They provide real-world examples for applying their techniques to software alone, hardware alone, and systems composed of both. Product developers will find proven job aids and specific guidance about what teams and team members need to do at every stage. Using this book’s integrated, systems approach, marketers, software professionals, and hardware developers can converge all their efforts on what really matters: addressing the customer’s true needs. Learn how to Ensure that your entire team shares a solid understanding of customer needs Define measurable critical parameters that reflect customer requirements Thoroughly assess business case risk and opportunity in the context of product roadmaps and portfolios Prioritize development decisions and scheduling in the face of resource constraints Flow critical parameters down to quantifiable, verifiable requirements for every sub-process, subsystem, and component Use predictive engineering and advanced optimization to build products that robustly handle variations in manufacturing and usage Verify system capabilities and reliability based on pilots or early production samples Master new statistical techniques for ensuring that supply chains deliver on time, with minimal inventory Choose the right DFSS tools, using the authors’ step-by-step flowc
2021-11-19 20:23:18 5.55MB Eric Maass DFSS
2021-11-19 19:29:26 16.26MB SIGMA 岩土 geostu
Bulletproofs 是不需要可信设置的简短知识零知识论点。 参数系统是具有计算可靠性的证明系统。 Bulletproofs 适用于证明关于提交值的陈述,例如范围证明、可验证的 suffle、算术电路等。它们依赖于离散对数假设,并使用 Fiat-Shamir 启发式进行非交互。 Bulletproofs 的核心算法是 Groth [2] 提出的内积算法。 该算法提供了满足给定内积关系的两个绑定向量 Pedersen 承诺的知识参数。 Bulletproofs 建立在 Bootle 等人的技术之上。 [3] 引入一种有效的内积证明,将论证的整体通信复杂性降低到仅 在哪里 是承诺的两个向量的维度。 范围证明 Bulletproofs 提供了一种用于进行短范围和可聚合范围证明的协议。 它们使用多项式对内部乘积中确定数字范围的证明进行编码。 范围证明是秘密值位于某个区间的证明。 范围证明不
2021-11-15 19:31:16 276KB cryptography elliptic-curves sigma zero-knowledge
2021-11-02 17:03:18 14.86MB Nestingtools