最权威的SAFe 4白皮书,精益软件与系统工程的规模化敏捷框架概览,看完对SAFe可以有比较清楚的了解。
2021-03-02 15:51:50 7.45MB 白皮书 SAFe whitepaper 敏捷
2021-03-01 12:02:56 408KB simple-xml-safe-
According to the standard IEC 61508 fault insertion testing is required for the verification of fail-safe systems. Usually these systems are realized with microcontrollers. Fail-safe systems based on a novel CPLD-based architecture require a different method to perform fault insertion testing than microcontroller-based systems. This paper describes a method to accomplish fault insertion testing of a system based on the novel CPLD-based architecture using the original system hardware. The goal is to verify the realized safety integrity measures of the system by inserting faults and observing the behavior of the system. The described method exploits the fact, that the system contains two channels, where both channels contain a CPLD. During a test one CPLD is configured using a modified programming file. This file is available after the compilation of a VHDL-description, which was modified using saboteurs or mutants. This allows injecting a fault into this CPLD. The other CPLD is configured as fault-free device. The entire system has to detect the injected fault using its safety integrity measures. Consequently it has to enter and/or maintain a safe state. 微信号:safetyfirst61508
2021-02-26 16:00:28 298KB 硬件测试
uid-safe URL和cookie安全的UID 创建对Cookie和URL使用均安全的加密安全UID。 这与诸如的模块形成对比,该模块的UID实际上由于使用%而产生了偏差,从而不必要地截断了UID。 如果您仍然可以在UID中使用-和_ ,请使用此选项。 安装 $ npm install uid-safe API var uid = require ( 'uid-safe' ) uid(byteLength,回调) 异步创建具有特定字节长度的UID。 因为在下面使用了base64编码,所以这不是字符串长度。 例如,要创建长度为24的UID,您需要字节长度为18。 uid ( 18 , function ( err , string ) { if ( err ) throw err // do something with the string } ) uid(byteL
2021-02-18 11:05:52 7KB nodejs javascript uid JavaScript
2019-12-21 21:42:47 354KB Safe
无水印,全部书籍内容 Programming Rust Fast, Safe Systems Development Programming Rust Fast, Safe Systems Development By Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff
2019-12-21 19:24:24 13.88MB 编程语言
VSS (Visual Source Safe 2005) 用法详解 VSS (Visual Source Safe 2005) 用法详解
2019-12-21 18:50:11 949KB VSS (Visual Source Safe