restful-api-perf-test 用于测试restful api性能的工具
2022-05-25 15:52:18 7KB JavaScript
2022-05-25 14:36:03 1.6MB delphi7 REST HMACSHA1 JSON
节点模板ts-koa 运用开发RESTful API的项目模版,技术选型为nodejs + koa + ts + mysql。使用sequelize操作数据库,设置多套环境配置。 已集成服务 dotenv 从文件中加载环境变量,用于进行不同的环境配置 const path = { development : '.env.development' , staging : '.env.staging' , production : '.env.production' , } [ process . env . NODE_ENV || 'development' ] ; dotenv .
2022-05-19 22:01:15 58KB nodejs mysql koa typescript
Progressive Disclosure is a concept in User Interface Design which advocates only presenting to the user the information they need when they need it. In many ways, the book you are reading right now is an example of this principle. In fact, it is quite likely that this book wouldn’t have “worked” a mere seven years ago. For you see, the programming world was quite a different place when RESTful Web Services, the predecessor of this book, was written. At that time, the term “REST” was was rarely used. And when it was used it was often misapplied, and widely misunderstood. This was the case despite the fact that the standards upon which REST is based, namely HTTP and HTML, were developed and became IETF and W3C standards in roughly their current form in the second half of the 1990s. Roy Fielding’s thesis paper in which he introduced the term REST and on which this book was based was itself published in 2000.
2022-05-16 09:30:16 10.33MB RESTful webAPI 英文版
Python3 开发以及部署 RESTful API项目(Python3 Django2.0 Django REST FrameWork Centos7 uWsgi Nginx)
2022-05-15 05:23:47 44KB Python开发-RESTful API
restful_api是关于restful API的实践使用,用flask实践开发一个restful API的实际案例
2022-05-15 01:04:23 51KB Python开发-RESTful API
2022-05-15 00:28:16 2.22MB Flask RESTful API接口 Flask
摇摇欲坠的烧瓶 什么是摇摇欲坠的烧瓶? 烧瓶的RESTful-招摇为包装使支持。 本质上,您只需要包装Api实例并添加一些python装饰器即可获得全面的支持。 安装: 安装: pip install flask-restful-swagger (这也安装了烧瓶式的) 请参阅一些快速示例: PYTHONPATH=. python examples/ PYTHONPATH=. python examples/ PYTHONPATH=. python examples/ 浏览至: 贡献和改进: 如何: 在程序中,
2022-05-14 22:35:57 446KB python flask swagger FlaskJavaScript
CloudEngine 16800, 12800, 9800, 8800, 6800, 5800 V200R021C00 RESTful API参考(chm) CloudEngine 16800, 12800, 9800, 8800, 6800, 5800 V200R021C00 RESTful API参考(pdf)
2022-05-06 18:08:07 9.85MB restful 综合资源 后端 华为