1、下载ReceiverCleanupUtility.zip后解压 2、双击ReceiverCleanupUtility.exe 3、提示“请按任意键继续”,按“回车”或其他 4、提示“是否发送数据传给Citrix Receiver”,yes或no均可 5、提示“Finished”,表明卸载成功结束,提示“按任意键退出”,按“回车”或其他 6、卸载结束
2021-05-25 09:00:21 241KB receiver cleanup
citrix receiver完美卸载软件,win10亲测有效!有需要的朋友赶紧下载起来,走过路过不要错过童叟无欺。
2021-05-24 14:13:31 344KB citrix receiver
2021-05-13 09:16:37 1.98MB android Broadcast Receiver
The Second Edition of OFDM Baseband Receiver Design for Wirless Communications, this book expands on the earlier edition with enhanced coverage of MIMO techniques, additional baseband algorithms, and more IC design examples. The authors cover the full range of OFDM technology, from theories and algorithms to architectures and circuits. The book gives a concise yet comprehensive look at digital communication fundamentals before explaining signal processing algorithms in receivers. The authors give detailed treatment of hardware issues - from architecture to IC implementation. Links OFDM and MIMO theory with hardware implementation Enables the reader to transfer communication received concepts into hardware; design wireless receivers with acceptable implemntation loss; achieve low-power designs Covers the latest standards, such as DVB-T2, WiMax, LTE and LTE-A Includes more baseband algorithms, like soft-decoding algorithms such as BCJR and SOVA Expanded treatment of channel models, detection algorithms and MIMO techniques Features concrete design examples of WiMAX systems and cognitive radio Companion website with lecture slides for instructors
2021-04-26 10:15:06 5.55MB Baseband Wireless MIMO OFDM
u-blox协议细节展示 The Receiver Description Including Protocol Specification describes the firmware features, specifications and configuration for u-blox 8 / u-blox M8 high performance positioning modules. The Receiver Description provides an overview and conceptual details of the supported features. The Protocol Specification describes the NMEA and RTCM protocols as well as the UBX protocol (version 15. 00 up to 19.20, version 20.00 to 20.30, version 22.00 and version 23.00 to 23.01) and serves as a reference manual. It includes the Standard Precision GNSS, Time Sync, Time & Frequency Sync, High Precision GNSS, ADR and UDR products.
2021-04-22 19:01:39 3.49MB GNSS Receiver protocol u-blox
(新手向)基于GNU radio+Hack RF one 搭建的宽带调频接收机,可以听广播。
2021-04-12 10:03:46 13KB GNUradio HackRF 调频接收机
删除 Citrix Receiver for Windows 您可以使用 Windows 的“程序和功能”实用工具(添加/删除程序)卸载 Receiver。 注意:如果曾使用 Citrix Receiver Updater 安装 Receiver,请勿使用此方法。 在某些情况下,卸载 Receiver for Windows 不会删除所有组件文件或注册表项。如果您在卸载较旧的版本后无法安装 Receiver,则请使用 Receiver Clean-Up Utility 删除旧文件和注册表项。Receiver Clean-Up Utility可以删除在线插件11.x,12.x和Receiver for Windows 3.x,4.x(13.x,14.x中的在线插件)的组件,文件和注册表值)。这包括离线插件组件(如果已安装)。
2021-04-06 21:27:19 246KB Receiver Cleanup Utility
2021-03-31 20:05:12 3KB 定位
Dream DRM Receiver是一个完整的数字广播解调,你所要做的就是有一个带有声卡的计算机,通过它可以实现中波 短波short wave MW LW 收音机的功能。
2021-03-29 11:24:20 12.68MB DRM 数字广播 解码
PC Wireless Gaming Receiver User's Manual.pdf amd USB Driver
2021-03-27 21:37:13 59.85MB xbox360 Receiver USB Driver