2022-07-24 17:28:32 63.35MB mask
2022-07-17 08:53:58 1.71MB Realtime camera Real time
1 EDGAR 文件查询和实时 API 涵盖 1993 年以来 10,000多家上市公司、ETF、对冲基金、共同基金和投资者的超过1800 万份 SEC Edgar 文件。 每个文件都映射到 CIK 和股票代码。 支持所有 +150 表单类型,例如 10-Q、10-K、4、8-K、13-F、S-1、424B4 等等。 API 在 SEC EDGAR 上发布后立即返回新文件。 XBRL 到 JSON 转换器和解析器 API。 从任何 10-K 和 10-Q 文件中提取标准化财务报表。 不需要 XBRL/XML - JSON 格式。 包括 13F 馆藏 API。 实时监控所有机构所有权。 通过 websockets 支持 Python、R、Java、C++、Excel 脚本 支持客户端和服务器端 JavaScript(Node.js、React、React Nati
2022-07-14 21:21:05 12KB python real-time stream websocket
2022-07-14 15:48:49 22.82MB 人脸识别数据集
2022-07-14 11:01:49 1.25MB freeRTOS
2022-07-12 20:01:47 2.6MB 嵌入式系统
关于 Real AdaBoost 算法的分析与改进.pdf
2022-07-11 09:11:38 650KB 文档资料
一、自动控制 1、REAL-A中央空调能效控制管理系统
2022-07-01 21:06:44 1.29MB 文档资料
最新第4版 The progression of 3 years between 1st and 2nd, 6 between 2nd and 3rd, and 10 between 3rd and 4th is a reflection not so much of the length of time it takes for each new edition (which has indeed steadily increased), but rather how long it takes us to forget all the stress and pain involved in making a new edition. As a data point, our Google Doc of new references since the last edition is around 170 pages long, and does not include references we could easily dismiss, nor those we ran into later when more closely reading and writing. Each page has about 20 references on it (some duplicated among chapters), about 3200 in all. In the fourth edition we added “only” 1151 new references, and deleted 508 older ones, for a final total of 2059 references (this does not include references on collision detection – more on that in a minute).
2022-06-30 16:02:36 30.26MB 计算机图形学
IEEE Standard for Industrial Hard Real-Time Communication
2022-06-22 21:03:53 11.87MB ieee