2.局部自相似描述子的特性与优势: (1)局部自相似描述子表示图像的局部特性,而非全局,这使描述子能应用于更多有挑战性的图像; (2)对数极坐标导致了局部仿射变形; (3)选取bin中的最大值作为bin的值,使得描述子对于最佳匹配位置表现不敏感; (4)运用patch而非单个pixel能获取更多的图像信息; (5)局部自相似描述子不仅包含了目标的骨架,更包含了颜色、边缘等丰富信息。
2022-02-21 09:23:42 4.02MB LSS 局部自相似
2022-02-15 15:01:55 77KB 事业编
This is the "Active contours driven by local and global intensity fitting energy with application to brain MR image segmentation" (referred to as LGIF model) of the MATLAB source code. LGIF model is very important to local area active contour model, which combines the CV model and the merits of LBF model.
2022-01-26 16:03:31 40KB Active contours model
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2022-01-24 23:10:08 38KB javascript chrome-extension chrome js
Windows平台上我们可以使用XShell,Putty,securecrt等SSH终端软件。但是讲到移动端的终端软件, 那就不得不提到 JuiceSSH 了,它是我所使用的Ssh安卓手机客户端上最满意的一款,无论从操作上都比 ConnectBot 及 VX ConnectBot 都方便许多。有了它,用手机管理 Linux 服务器相当方便,可以作为系统管理员手机必备软件之一。 还能够满足Linux系统学习的需要,因为你可以在任何时间地点使用,只要你有一部能够上网的安卓手机即可。
2022-01-19 09:00:31 22.09MB ssh linux 服务器 android
有关代码方法的详细信息,请参阅相应的论文“ Yue Wu,Brian Tracey,Premkumar Natarajan,Joseph P. Noonan:用于非本地均值图像降噪的James-Stein类型中心像素权重。 20(4): 411-414 (2013)" http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LSP.2013.2247755
2022-01-11 13:34:55 3KB matlab
(1)局部自相似描述子表示图像的局部特性,而非全局,这使描述子能应用于更多有挑战性的图像; (2)对数极坐标导致了局部仿射变形; (3)选取bin中的最大值作为bin的值,使得描述子对于最佳匹配位置表现不敏感; (4)运用patch而非单个pixel能获取更多的图像信息; (5)局部自相似描述子不仅包含了目标的骨架,更包含了颜色、边缘等丰富信息。
2022-01-07 10:32:18 2.73MB LSS 局部自相似 图像配准
libLDB is a C++ library for extracting an ultrafast and distinctive binary feature LDB (Local Difference Binary) from an image patch. LDB directly computes a binary string using simple intensity and gradient difference tests on pairwise grid cells within the patch. Relying on integral images, the average intensity and gradients of each grid cell can be obtained by only 4~8 add/subtract operations, yielding an ultrafast runtime. A multiple gridding strategy is applied to capture the distinct patterns of the patch at different spatial granularities, leading to a high distinctiveness of LDB. LDB is very suitable for vision apps which require real-time performance, especially for apps running on mobile handheld devices, such as real-time mobile object recognition and tracking, markerless mobile augmented reality, mobile panorama stitching. This software is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.
2022-01-04 15:11:41 68KB LDB Binary Local Feature
2022-01-04 13:00:47 633.9MB linux nvidia redhat