2021-08-18 22:27:04 21.21MB ipp9.0下载
Integrated Filter Balun for CC1352 英译中
第二部分/共3部分 中文版 Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective Second Edition (数字集成电路——电路、系统与设计) 本书由美国加州大学伯克利分校Jan M. Rabaey教授撰写。全书共12章,分为三个部分:基本单元、电路设计和系统设计。本书在对MOS器件和连线的特性做了简要介绍之后,深入分析了数字设计的核心——反相器,并逐步将这些知识延伸到组合逻辑电路、时序逻辑电路、控制器、运算电路以及存储器这些复杂数字电路与系统的设计中。为了反映数字集成电路设计进入深亚微米领域后正在发生的深刻变化,第二版增加了许多新的内容,并以0.25微米CMOS工艺的实际电路为例,讨论了深亚微米器件效应、电路最优化、互连线建模和优化、信号完整性、时序分析、时钟分配、高性能和低功耗设计、设计验证、芯片测试和可测性设计等主题,着重探讨了深亚微米数字集成电路设计面临的挑战和启示。 本书可作为高等院校电子科学与技术(包括微电子与光电子)、电子与信息工程、计算机科学与技术、自动化等专业高年级本科生和研究生有关数字集成电路设计方面课程的教科书,也可作为从事这一领域的工程技术人员的参考书。
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数字集成电路 8-12 章,中文版,各位童鞋有福了
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HP ilo 3 固件1.87 HP ilo 3 中文语言包1.60.8 和1.7 (自己选)
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Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 模拟集成电路的书,经典之作
2021-07-08 09:39:43 10.55MB Integrated Circuits
DoD maintains a vision for the continued expansion of unmanned systems into the Joint Force structure, and identifies areas of interest and investment that will further expand the potential integration of unmanned systems. The intent of this document is to provide overarching strategic guidance that will align the Services’ unmanned systems goals and efforts with the DoD strategic vision. This strategic guidance will focus on reducing duplicative efforts, enabling collaboration, identifying challenges, and outlining major areas where DoD and industry may collaborate to further expand the potential of unmanned systems. As DoD has embraced the use of unmanned systems across nearly every operating environment, this strategy will allow DoD to capitalize on the technology advancements and paradigm shift that unmanned systems provide.
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Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY2011-2036
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Green Air-Ground Integrated Heterogeneous Network in 6G Era.pdf
2021-07-04 09:04:38 1.37MB 6G 互联网 信息科技 科技前言