Riviera-PRO Getting Started
2021-09-27 21:30:13 776KB System Verilog Riviera
共272页,pdf格式。欢迎喜欢gis的同学下载学习。 欢迎使用《ArcGIS基础教程》(“Getting Started with ArcGIS”)一书,本书不仅可以帮助用户学习使用由ESRI公司开发的ArcGIS®软件;而且可以让用户通过实例掌握开发GIS项目的方法与步骤。对于初学者,本书是一本很好的入门教材。在学习使用ArcGIS软件的过程中,还可以学习如何利用地理信息系统(GIS)来解决各种问题。 本书共分为两个部分:第一部分,“ArcGIS简介”(第一章~第三章),介绍了ArcGIS和GIS数据的基础知识;第二部分,“开发GIS项目”(第四章~第八章),介绍了一个可操作的GIS项目实例。学习此实例时,只需按照书上的步骤一步一步去操作即可。初学者若要完全掌握这一部分内容,至少需要认真学习8小时。 在开始学习本书之前,需要将ArcGIS软件安装在一台装有Windows®操作系统的电脑中,同时还要将ArcTutor教程数据安装在本机或网络驱动器中。全部准备就绪后,就可以开始学习第一章了。
2021-09-27 19:01:34 19.94MB gis arcgis
Getting started with Spring Framework (4th Edition) is a hands-on guide to begin developing applications using Spring Framework 5. The examples (consisting of 88 sample projects) that accompany this book are based on Spring 5.0.1 and Java 9. You can download the examples described in this book from the following GitHub project:github.com/getting-started-with-spring/4thEditionThis book covers: - Spring Framework basics- Aspect-oriented programming- Database interaction using Spring and Hibernate/JPA- Spring Data JPA- Spring Data MongoDB- Messaging, emailing and caching support- Spring Web MVC- Developing RESTful web services using Spring Web MVC- Functional programming using lambdas and method references- Stream API- Reactive programming using RxJava 2 and Reactor- Spring WebFlux- Reactive support in Spring Data MongoDB and Spring Security- Developing reactive RESTful web services using Spring WebFlux, Spring Security and Spring Data MongoDB
2021-09-17 09:40:42 7.79MB Spring 基础教程
生产力 时间管理 利用时间 ,如果能够领悟照做, 我们可以得到很多.
2021-09-16 11:48:41 2.15MB 生产力 时间管理 利用时间
DPDK Getting Started Guide for Linux
2021-09-10 14:01:01 280KB DPDK
【MATLAB Getting Started with MATLAB.pdf
2021-09-09 23:39:00 639KB MATLAB
Processing语言学习, Arduino硬件相关,用于图形3D及各种图片处理
2021-09-02 07:55:41 19.83MB Processing
Coursera 获取和清理数据项目 来自“使用智能手机数据集的人类活动识别”的平均值 此工具分析提供了“使用智能手机数据集进行人类活动识别”的“摘要”数据视图 [1] 数据集 30 名志愿者在腰部佩戴智能手机(三星 Galaxy S II)进行了六种不同的活动(WALKING、WALKING_UPSTAIRS、WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS、SITTING、STANDING、LAYING)。 文件“UCI HAR dataset Means Per Activity And Subject.txt”为他们所做的每个主题和活动提供了不同的有趣值。 它可以通过命令 read.table("UCI HAR dataset Means Per Activity And Subject.txt",header=TRUE) 加载到 R 中。 有关数据集及其构建方式的更多详细信息,请参阅 Cod
2021-08-22 20:27:38 80KB R
2021-08-21 13:01:47 2.81MB 互联网
Take your creations to the next level with FPGAs and VerilogThis fun guide shows how to get started with FPGA technology using the popular Mojo, Papilio One, and Elbert 2 boards. Written by electronics guru Simon Monk, Programming FPGAs: Getting Started with Verilog features clear explanations, easy-to-follow examples, and downloadable sample programs. You’ll get start-to-finish assembly and programming instructions for numerous projects, including an LED decoder, a timer, a tone generator?even a memory-mapped video display! The book serves both as a hobbyists’ guide and as an introduction for professional developers.• Explore the basics of digital electronics and digital logic• Examine the features of the Mojo, Papilio One, and Elbert 2 boards• Set up your computer and dive in to Verilog programming• Work with the ISE Design Suite and user constraints files• Understand and apply modular Verilog programming methods • Generate electrical pulses through your board’s GPIO ports• Control servomotors and create your own sounds• Attach a VGA TV or computer monitor and generate video• All source code and finished bit files available for download,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-08-17 07:36:47 15.66MB 英文