Real-Time Design Patterns
2021-10-13 13:26:56 6.67MB
这是一本关于介绍LEGO NXT 搭建技巧类书籍(英文原版)
2021-10-08 16:44:08 14.6MB LEGO NXT
2021-10-06 15:03:08 10.57MB Design.Patterns
深入浅出设计模式, 非常适合入门阅读, 英文浅显易读, 图文并茂, PDF版本,可以在手机上进行阅读.一本适合学习使用的书籍.
2021-10-01 18:43:20 50.21MB Head First 设计模式 Design
英文资料,2019最新版设计模式深入理解指南,作者:Alexander Shvets
2021-09-29 19:40:32 32.26MB Design Patterns
Go Design Patterns will provide readers with a reference point to software design patterns and CSP concurrency design patterns to help them build applications in a more idiomatic, robust, and convenient way in Go. The book starts with a brief introduction to Go programming essentials and quickly moves on to explain the idea behind the creation of design patterns and how they appeared in the 90's as a common "language" between developers to solve common tasks in object-oriented programming languages. You will then learn how to apply the 23 GoF design patterns in Go and also learn about CSP concurrency patterns, the "killer feature" in Go that has helped Google develop software to maintain thousands of servers. Thus the book will enable you to understand and apply design patterns in an idiomatic way that will produce concise, readable, and maintainable software. What you will learn All basic syntax and tools needed to start coding in Go. Encapsulate the creation of complex objects in an idiomatic way in Go. Create unique instances that cannot be duplicated within a program. Understand the importance of object encapsulation to provide clarity and maintainability. Prepare cost-effective actions so that different parts of the program aren't affected by expensive tasks. Deal with channels and GoRoutines within the Go context to build concurrent application in Go in an idiomatic way.
2021-09-25 07:34:18 5.27MB GO设计模式 GO Design Patterns
Head-First 设计模式-源码
2021-09-24 14:01:59 354KB HeadFirst 设计模式 Design-pattern
书名: 设计模式可复用面向对象软件的基础 英文原书名: Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented software 作者: Erich Gamma 等 译者: 李英军 马晓星 蔡敏 刘建中 书号: 7-111-07575-7 页码: 254 定价: ¥35.00 会员价: ¥31.50 币值: 315 出版日期: 2000-9-1 本书设计实例从面向对象的设计中精选出23个设计模式,总结了面向对象设计中最有价值的经验,并且用简洁可复用的形式表达出来。本书分类描述了一组设计良好,表达清楚的软件设计模式,这些模式在实用环境下有特别有用。
2021-09-23 14:28:00 10.09MB 设计模式 面向对象 软件
Master C++ "The Qt Way" with Modern Design Patterns and Efficient Reuse This fully updated, classroom-tested book teaches C++ "The Qt Way," emphasizing design patterns and efficient reuse. Readers will master both the C++ language and Qt libraries, as they learn to develop maintainable software with well-defined code layers and simple, reusable classes and functions. Every chapter of this edition has been improved with new content, better organization, or both. Readers will find extensively revised coverage of QObjects, Reflection, Widgets, Main Windows, Models and Views, Databases, Multi-Threaded Programming, and Reflection. This edition introduces the powerful new Qt Creator IDE; presents new multimedia APIs; and offers extended coverage of Qt Designer and C++ Integration. It has been restructured to help readers start writing software immediately and write robust, effective software sooner. The authors introduce several new design patterns, add many quiz questions and labs, and present more efficient solutions relying on new Qt features and best practices. They also provide an up-to-date C++ reference section and a complete application case study. * Master C++ keywords, literals, identifiers, declarations, types, and type conversions. * Understand classes and objects, organize them, and describe their interrelationships. * Learn consistent programming style and naming rules. * Use lists, functions, and other essential techniques. * Define inheritance relationships to share code and promote reuse. * Learn how code libraries are designed, built, and reused. * Work with QObject, the base class underlying much of Qt. * Build graphical user interfaces with Qt widgets. * Use templates to write generic functions and classes. * Master advanced reflective programming techniques. * Use the Model-View framework to cleanly separate data and GUI classes. * Validate input using regular expressions and other techniques. * Parse XML data with SAX, DOM, and QXmlStreamReader. * Ma
2021-09-18 06:46:42 10.77MB Qt 设计模式 C++