sgcWebSockets is a complete package providing access to WebSockets protocol, allowing to create WebSockets Servers, Intraweb Clients or WebSocket Clients in VCL, Lazarus/FPC and Firemonkey applications. Fully functional multithreaded WebSocket server according to RFC 6455. Supports Firemonkey (Windows and MacOS). Supports Lazarus / FreePascal. Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer (including iPhone, iPad and iPod) Binary and Full Unicode Messages Support Message compression using deflate-frame extension. Multiple Threads Support Broadcast messages to all clients Server component providing WebSocket and HTTP connections through the same port. Send a message to a single client Client WebSocket supports connections through Socket.IO Servers. Client WebSocket supports connections through HTTP Proxy Servers. Events Available: OnConnect, OnDisconnect, OnMessage, onerror Built-in sub-protocols: JSON-RPC 2.0, Datasets Built-in javascript libraries to support browser clients. Easy to setup javascript Events for a full control Async Events using Ajax SSL/TLS support on Server and Client components
2024-06-03 14:04:53 39.41MB Delphi WebSockets
摘要:Delphi源码,网络相关,代理服务器  用delphi编写设计一款自己的代理服务器软件,实现思路:当前流行的浏览器的系统选项中有一个参数,即“通过代理服务器连接”,经过编程测试,当局域网中一台工作站指定了该属性,再发出Internet请求时,请求数据将发送到所指定的代理服务器上。   代理服务的过程:接收被代理端的请求、连接真正的主机、接收主机返回的数据、将接收数据发送到被代理端。   为此可编写一个简单的程序,完成上述网络通信重定向问题。   用Delphi设计时,选用ServerSocket作为与被代理工作站通信的套接字控件,选用ClientSocket动态数组作为与远程主机通信的
2024-05-30 16:07:42 180KB Delphi源代码 网络相关
SM2公钥加密算法国密公钥加密标准之一,由国家密码管理局与2010年12月公布。 SM2属于非对称加密算法,使用公钥加密,私钥解密,在安全性和运算速度方面要优于RSA算法。 SM2公钥加密适用于加密长度较短的数据,如会话密钥和消息报文。SM2公钥加密不仅对数据加密,还提供防篡改的特性,即被篡改的或伪造的密文可以在解密的过程中被检查发现,因此通过SM2公钥加密的消息无需格外的校验机制。消息经过SM2公钥加密后长度会增加不到100字节的长度,加密方在准备缓冲区时需要加以留意。 SM3属于不可逆加密算法,类似于md5,常用于签名。 SM4属于对称加密算法,可用于替代DES/AES等国际算法, SM4算法与AES算法具有相同的密钥长度和分组长度,都是128位。
2024-05-28 20:31:26 3.81MB Delphi
2024-05-26 17:37:15 19.51MB
内容索引:Delphi源码,系统相关,进程  自己用Delphi做的一个共享内存组件,用于进程间共享内存,以及消息传递,最初只是一个单元引用,后来优化代码加入了进程间的消息传递,索性将其做成了组件,以后简单的字符串共享与消息传递就方便多了,另外它能够自定义格式数据共享。也可以建立一个公共的共享内存数据格式文件。
2024-05-25 21:30:50 3KB Delphi源代码 系统相关
2024-05-25 07:54:38 1.03MB word
2024-05-25 03:27:47 437KB
只要是从XXXXAPI获得的Json数据,都无需设计字段,转存成Data,多有Json都作为字段I支持对象和数组列表。 程序项目中代码,拿走不谢!
2024-05-24 20:42:03 1KB delphi
Enhance Your Delphi Application with Drop-in Shell Functionality •Includes 18 visual and non-visual components •Create Explorer-like applications within minutes with JamShellTree, the JamShellList and the JamShellCombo •Easy drop-in: Just drop the UI components right on your own forms or dialogs •Use checkboxes with JamShellTree, JamShellList, JamFileList and JamDriveList Icons and thumbnails are queried in background threads. This optimizes the reactivity and does not slow down the speed of the user interface. Look-and-Feel of the Windows Explorer •Windows Shell context menu (can be extended with a Delphi popmenu) •OLE drag-and-drop with the Windows Explorer and similar applications •Different view styles: The JamShellList and the JamFileList support small icons, large icons, extra large icons, details mode and thumbnails •Overlay icons supported •Installed Shell extensions, which are supported by the Windows Explorer, are also supported by the ShellBrowser Delphi Edition •TJamSystemShellView instances the right pane of the real Windows Explorer •Background context menu in the JamShelllist is supported How-to Guides •Comprehensive documentation of the included controls •Several sample projects for basic and advanced features of ShellBrowser Delphi Edition included Transparent Costs •The ShellBrowser Delphi Edition is royalty free and involves no runtime fees 100% Delphi Code•The controls are based on the Delphi VCL and are written in 100% Object Pascal code •No additional DLLs or ActiveX controls are necessary
2024-05-24 14:33:01 23.16MB
2024-05-24 12:01:30 1.51MB unigui