Modern Control Systems 12th Edition (现代控制理论).pdf,深化学习,考试必备
2021-04-12 17:23:49 32.50MB 现代控制理论
AUV前进动力 6DOF AUV的动态模型 一些准则 在zigzagvert.m和zigzagvert_bp_bs.m中的图下方的“ saveas”行中更改文件夹名称
2021-04-12 11:24:06 809KB dynamics matlab control-systems vehicles
Intelligent transport systems — Adaptive cruise control systems — Performance requirements and test procedures
2021-04-07 21:51:47 6.79MB ACC
The main difficulty in stability analysis of reset control systems comes from their state-dependent reset mechanism. It becomes more challenging when output matrix suffers from uncertainties which make the reset time instants uncertain. In this paper, existing quadratic stability results for uncerta
This paper considers the design of compensators for systems with quantized inputs in order to reduce the influence of quantization. For systems with (vector) relative degrees, we propose a kind of compensators which can compensate for the accumulated output deviation completely caused by quantizatio
Static output feedback control of networked control systems with packet dropout
2021-02-20 20:08:49 234KB 研究论文
2021-02-17 10:01:37 6.22MB Python
非线性经典教材(英文),比当前CSDN的版本要清楚. 这是一本在国际上最负盛名、最有影响的自动控制领域专著,主要阐述应用微分几何理论设计非线性控制系统的方法。本书是作者结合20多年来的主要成果及教学经验历时十多年完成的。前三章介绍了非线性系统的基本理论及其相关的近世代数和几何基础理论;第4章和第5章叙述了单输入单输出及多输入多输出非线性系统的精确线性化方法;第6章和第7章进一步深入讨论了多输入多输出非线性系统的输入输出解耦问题;第8章陈述了输出跟踪和输出调节问题;第9章针对较弱的条件探讨了半全局线性化问题。附录A概述了所涉及到的拓扑学及微分拓扑学的相关理论;附录B简述了中心流形理论及奇异摄动理论。前三章和附录介绍了本书的基础知识,其他各章则阐述了各种设计方法。
2020-04-24 03:11:49 20.84MB 非线性控制
Nonlinear control systems using MATLAB 非线性系统控制MATLAB This book introduces nonlinear control systems for control engi- neering and science to graduate, undergraduate students and re- searchers; it targets control engineering students who do not like to do not have time to derive and prove mathematical results for nonlinear control systems. It can be serve as a text book for nonlin- ear control systems, especially for feedback linearization techniques which is a common approach in controlling nonlinear systems
2020-04-13 03:08:20 5.16MB Nonlinear contro MATLAB 非线性系统
2020-01-12 03:04:44 5.52MB 控制系统 状态观测器