unity插件 角色控制 游戏编程 Easy Character Movement ECM 简单易懂功能齐全的unity角色控制器
2021-09-24 18:08:44 25.66MB unity 游戏 角色控制 插件
Requires Unity 5.3.0 or higher. Make Skeleton & Vertex Animations right inside the Unity Editor. [New Online Manual] [v1.9.1] Constraints System Skele: Character Animation Toolssignificantly speeds up animator/indie's animation workflow in several ways: 1. Enable developers to make / modify character animations in UnityEditor. Reduce software switching and tedious import/export/split work 2. [BETA] Integrated Timeline editorGreatly accelerate authoring productivity for complex multi-character scenes (cutscenes / finishing moves / etc) 3. Mesh-Morpher tools to make blendshape-like animations without bones 4. Export skinned meshes and animations as DAE archive 5. Utilize the clips you bought from store, modify them to your needs, convert clip type, export to external softwares, etc. 6. Constraints system working in both edit-mode & game-mode. 7. Spline Editor to edit movement path. ******************* Humanoid rig needs special treatment:Please read the two FAQ posts: (1)How to Edit Humanoid clips? (2)Best workflow for Humanoid models? ******************* Main Features: 1. Make animation for your rigged characters with FK/IK support. flag, stick, dragon, ghost, mech, bird, fish, robot, human... you could manipulate ANY rigged models. 2. Modify animations. Modify Generic/Legacy animations directly; with our converter, you could also modify and export clips you bought from assetstore too. Modify and get the result immediately. 3. Make blendshape-like vertex animations directly in Unity Editor. 4. Integrated with Timeline Editor [BETA]. Edit the cutscene right inplace, and easily integrate with code/fx/audio/gui/etc. 5. Visualize the bone link, the vertices, and bone weights, etc. 6. Reduce the folder size, you don't need to include duplicate meshes for each animation. 7. Make/Save/Load poses on disk 8. Convert MuscleClip(Humanoid clip) to and fro Legacy/Generic clip 9. Generate RootMotion from RootBone curves 10. Export character mesh and character ani
2021-09-07 11:59:35 33.43MB Unity Character Animation 动作调整
Ultimate Character Controller v2.2.3.rar
2021-09-01 14:12:57 410.18MB Unity Controller
UnityURPToonLitShaderExample:一个非常简单的卡通着色器示例,供您学习在Unity URP中编写自定义照明着色器
2021-08-27 15:11:00 20KB unity shader lit character
Sybex出版的Introducing Character Animation with Blender第二版英文清晰文字版
2021-08-23 16:56:20 36.48MB Bender Animation
RPG Character Mecanim Animation Pack v5.5.rar
2021-08-23 13:18:08 68.86MB Unity Character RPG Animation
一种相对较低层次的角色控制器解决方案,不依赖于任何特定的游戏类型,并且能够干净利落地集成到任何项目/架构中,并且具有尽可能少的摩擦或膨胀。它没有使用刚体物理,而是使用“碰撞和滑动”算法,使其运动完全流畅、精确和灵敏。注意它的“运动学”性质意味着它不会被力或刚体自动推动。这类交互必须显式地编写脚本。 强大的编程和三维数学知识是必要的,以便使用这个软件包。这绝不是一个“即插即用”的解决方案,它要求您编写自己的输入、摄像机、动画和速度/旋转处理代码。它是为那些希望完全自由地编写自己的游戏专用角色控制器,但又希望有一个坚实的基础的用户而设计的。
Ultimate Character Controller是是一款专业的运动角色控制器,旨在包括最流畅的第一和第三人称控制,并在所有领域表现出色:PC,移动,控制台,AI,网络和VR 它包含许多其他角色控制器中通常不具备的独特功能 - 从无缝的第一和第三人称视角切换到弹簧系统,允许流畅的,程序化的第一人称动画。其他独特功能包括能力系统,动态重力,以及能够根据每个角色更改时间刻度 运动特征控制器 第一和第三人称摄像机控制器 无缝切换视角 动态重力系统 高级移动平台系统 可扩展能力系统 支持双重挥舞 程序性弹簧动画 全身意识 可见轨迹曲线 反向运动学(IK) 各种各样的可射击武器 各种近战武器
2021-08-18 15:49:48 455.82MB 角色控制 unity
2021-08-07 13:08:07 72.26MB unity3d animation
2021-08-03 09:47:08 69.92MB Animator unity 骨骼动画 魂类动画