IOS应用源码之【应用】多台iPhone 使用bluetooth进行连接.rar
2022-07-13 13:10:43 21KB IOS
IOS应用源码之【框架】蓝牙协议栈A Portable User-Space Bluetooth Stack.rar
2022-07-12 18:08:44 1.59MB IOS
蓝牙4.2技术规范 Bluetooth Core Specification
2022-07-07 20:23:48 23.9MB 蓝牙4.2技术规范
This disclaimer applies to all draft specifications and final specifications adopted by the Bluetooth SIG Board of Directors (both of which are hereinafter referred to herein as a Bluetooth “Specification”). Your use of this Specification in any way is subject to your compliance with all conditions of such use, and your acceptance of all disclaimers and limitations as to such use, contained in this Specification. Any user of this Specification is advised to seek appropriate legal, engineering or other professional advice regarding the use, interpretation or effect of this Specification on any matters discussed in this Specification.
2022-07-01 10:59:37 24.35MB Bluetooth
HC-08 蓝牙串口通信模块是新一代的基于 Bluetooth Specification V4.0 BLE 蓝牙协议的数传模块。无线工作频段为 2.4GHz ISM,调制方式是 GFSK。模块最大发射功率为 4dBm,接收灵敏度-93dBm,空旷环境下和 iphone4s 可以实现 80 米超远距离通信。模块大小 26.9mm×13mm×2.2mm,集成了邮票封装孔和排针焊接孔,既可以贴片封装,也又可以焊接排针,很方便嵌入应用系统之内。自带 LED 状态指示灯,可直观判断蓝牙的连接状态。
2022-06-23 22:00:59 4.49MB BLE 蓝牙串口通信模块 HC-08 数传模块
安卓设备导航,通过此设备 可以让安卓手机实现导航功能,准确,功能强大
2022-06-18 19:43:47 241KB 安卓设备导航
蓝牙发射器:MBT-503-03/CSR-8510驱动软件,不用激活,中文版本 支持WIN7/WIN8/WIN10 360驱动大师最新驱动
2022-06-12 09:01:36 41.43MB bluetooth CSR-8510 MBT-503-03 千月
蓝牙打印Xamarin 取自Xamarin android示例和 在GOOJPRT PT-210上测试 另一个样品
2022-06-11 08:27:35 357KB xamarin bluetooth-printer XamarinC#
A radical new departure from conventional Bluetooth technology, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) will enable a whole new generation of wireless applications in industries ranging from healthcare to transportation. Running on a single coin-sized battery, BLE can run for years, connecting and extending everything from Personal Area Network devices to next-generation sensors. In Bluetooth Low Energy, one of the standard's developers has written the first comprehensive, accessible introduction to BLE for every system developer, designer, and engineer. Robin Heydon, a member of the Bluetooth "Hall of Fame" brings together information currently scattered through multiple standards documents, offering the context and leading-edge implementation insights needed to build high-performance working systems with BLE. Heydon begins by reviewing BLE's design goals, explaining how they drove key architectural decisions, and introducing BLE's innovative usage models. Next, he thoroughly covers the Controller side of the standard, offering detailed information on physical and link layers, direct test mode, and the host controller interface. Finally, he turns to BLE hosts, explaining L2CAP, attributes, BLE security, and the Generic Access Profile. This book will be an indispensable companion to the official BLE standards documents for every technical professional and decision-maker who is considering BLE, planning BLE products, or transforming plans into working systems.
2022-06-10 12:20:57 6.5MB Bluetooth
使用 VC++ 调用微软蓝牙 API 函数的示例代码。可以使用 VC++6.0 至 VC++2010 编译代码。 (Using VC++ call Microsoft Bluetooth API sample code. You can use VC++6.0 to VC++2010 compiled code.)
2022-06-01 19:59:01 66KB bluetooth API c++