在本文中,我们提出了一种新的集合角谱(P-AS),用于估计多个声源的到达方向(DOA)。 这种方法使用宽间隔的麦克风阵列以实现高分辨率,并且仅在二维时间边际角频谱(TM-AS)中合并由有源源控制的角度分量。 使用不同数量的源来评估其对空间混叠源和短时源的鲁棒性。仅在几个时间范围内激活源。 实验结果表明,与大多数现有的基于角谱的DOA估计方法相比,该方法更有效,更鲁棒。
2022-04-14 12:21:00 305KB Angular spectrum DOA estimation
本文介绍了在Angular中使用JWT认证方法示例,分享给大家,具体如下: 项目地址: grading-system 基于session的认证和基于token的认证的方式已经被广泛使用。在session认证中,服务端会存储一份用户登录信息,这份登录信息会在响应时传递给浏览器并保存为Cookie,在下次请求时,会带上这份登录信息,这样就能识别请求来自哪个用户。 在基于session的认证中,每个用户都要生成一份session,这份session通常保存在内存中,随着用户量的增加,服务端的开销会增大,而且对分布式应用不是很友好。 在token认证中,服务端不需要保留用户认证信息。当用户登录时,
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角度6注册登录示例CLI Angular 6-使用Angular CLI进行用户注册和登录的示例 要查看演示和更多详细信息,请访问
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Ionifits是受Zenefits启发的人力资源演示应用程序。 这是Ionic App Platform技术的展示,包括 , , 和。 试用应用 Ionifits可通过单个代码库在Web,iOS和Android上运行。 你自己看: iOS: Android: 网址: : 要登录Ionifits,请使用用户名和密码: ionic 。 (可选)点击“跳过”按钮以跳过登录。 还提供了一个,了该应用程序的主要功能。 请参阅在iPhone上运行的应用程序以及对使用中的真实代码的说明。 特征 “ Vanilla” Ionic框架:照常使用Ionic UI组件(尽可能开箱即用),以展示其功能和性能。 由Auth Connect和Identity Vault支持的登录页面:登录后,使用Ionic Identity Vault将由Auth0驱动的用户访问令牌安全地存储在移动设备钥匙串中。 当应
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"Reactive Programming with Angular and ngrx: Learn to Harness the Power of Reactive Programming with RxJS and ngrx Extensions" English | ISBN: 1484226194 | 2017 | 148 pages | PDF | 3 MB Manage your Angular development using Reactive programming. Growing in popularity and now an essential part of any professional web developer's toolkit, Reactive programming can enrich your development and make your code more efficient. Featuring a core application to explore and build yourself, this book shows you how to utilize ngrx/store as a state management with Redux pattern, and how to utilize ngrx/effects to define a better and more robust application architecture. Through working code examples, you will understand every aspect of Reactive programming with Angular so that you'll be able to develop maintainable, readable code. Reactive Programming with Angular and ngrx is ideal for developers already familiar with JavaScript, Angular, or other languages, and who are looking for more insight into their Angular projects. Use this book to start mastering Reactive programming today. What You'll Learn Construct components efficiently Utilize ngrx extensions and RxJS Organize state management with reducers, actions and side effects Who This Book Is For Developers who are already familiar with JavaScript and Angular and want to move onto more advanced development.
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NgRx is an implementation of the popular pattern, Redux, that's meant for use with Angular. It is entirely possible to create an Angular application without NgRx. You might even be very successful in doing so. There are situations, though, where Redux can really help; you can get that help by using NgRx. So, what is Redux and when do we need it? Redux is about adding predictability to your app. Predictability is about
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