Speech enhancement based on adaptive wavelet denoising on multitaper spectrum matlab
2022-04-29 18:07:24 1.82MB 源码软件 matlab
一个很有参考性的案例,是和自动驾驶相关的MP控制; 说明如何实时更新模型预测控制中的 预测模型的参数, 实现自适应控制。利用simulink搭建车辆自适应MPC控制系统,算法已经过调试,效果良好。
2022-04-19 22:13:18 956KB MPC matlab simulink 自适应算法
M.Srinivas 和 L .M. Patnaik在1994年写的论文《Adaptive Probabilities of Crossover》,论文中详细提出了自适应遗传算法的精髓,说明了Pc和Pm的计算机公式
2022-04-18 15:07:59 1.2MB M.Srinivas
Lecture book of Daniel Liberzon
2022-04-18 09:32:23 696KB 自适应控制
2022-04-17 20:04:48 2.06MB Ultimus-Adaptive
2022-04-15 16:36:31 5.57MB Adaptive
为了实现启发式优化算法的自适应参数调整, 避免算法陷入局部最优,提高算法的准确性 为解决参数识别问题,自适应模糊粒子群优化 (AFPSO)提出从自动调谐三个方面改进基本算法 参数、种群拓扑和突变特征。 刘,董,等。“使用自适应模糊粒子群优化的水轮机调节系统的精确参数估计。” 能源,第一卷。12,没有。20,MDPI AG,2019 年 10 月,第 20 页。3903,doi:10.3390/en12203903。
2022-04-15 13:07:25 9KB AFPSO 自适应模糊粒子群优化
Adaptive filters play a very important role in most of today’s signal processing and control applications as most real-world signals require processing under conditions that are difficult to specify a priori. They have been successfully applied in such diverse fields as communications, control, radar, and biomedical engineering, among others. The field of classical adaptive filtering is now well established and a number of key references—a widely used one being the book Adaptive Filter Theory by Simon Haykin—provide a comprehensive treatment of the theory and applications of adaptive filtering. A number of recent developments in the field, however, have demonstrated how significant performance gains could be achieved beyond those obtained using the standard adaptive filtering approaches. To this end, those recent developments have propelled us to think in terms of a new generation of adaptive signal processing algorithms. As data now come in a multitude of forms originating from different applications and environments, we now have to account for the characteristics of real life data: † Non-Gaussianity; † Noncircularity; † Nonstationarity; and † Nonlinearity. Such data would typically exhibit a rich underlying structure and demand the development of new tools, hence, the writing of this new book.
2022-04-14 10:57:58 5.28MB 自适应处理
S. Sastry, M. Bodson, Adaptive control: stability, convergence and robustness
2022-04-10 14:03:28 3.3MB 教材
自适应模拟退火(ASA)是一种C语言代码,可找到D维空间上非线性成本函数的最佳全局拟合。 ASA具有100多个选项,可以对多种类型的非线性随机系统提供强大的调整能力。
2022-04-07 15:27:09 732KB 开源软件