汽车编程-德国Vector 汽车总线仿真开发测试工具软件.docx
2022-07-27 17:04:18 16KB 汽车编程
svgMotion 我喜欢制作矢量动画,但如果您使用的是移动设备,目前还没有可以让您制作基于补间动画的应用程序。 桌面用户有 、 、 、 。 如果您使用的是 Chromebook,则您拥有甚至但移动用户已经被蒙在鼓里太久了。 这就是我决定构建的原因! 版本 0.3 执照 麻省理工学院 科技 svgMotion 使用了一些开源项目来正常工作: - 用于令人敬畏和时尚的警报通知对话框 - 字体和图标工具包 - 从图像序列创建 gif 动画的库 - 负责整个动画过程的库 jQuery - 废话 JQuery MiniColors - 用于颜色选择器 JSZip - 在 javascript 中打包 zip 文件 Material Design Lite - 漂亮且可定制的响应式界面库 Normalize - CSS 重置库 Poly UI Kit - 漂亮且可定制的响应式界面库
2022-07-27 16:20:54 13.53MB javascript svg animation vector
2022-07-18 09:00:41 203.91MB Vector MATLAB simulink CANape
2022-07-16 11:23:09 173KB c++ list vector map
c# 解析 can vector can dbc文件 .net
2022-07-06 16:58:27 6.22MB c#
视频为Vector官方对于功能安全标准ISO 26262进行的一些介绍以及练习,视频为全英文讲解。
2022-07-05 11:44:26 54.09MB 26262 Vector 视频
svg转换成Android 可用的vector。 下载,解压后,直接打开index.html。 把下载的svg文件拖动到框里即可。
2022-07-02 14:07:13 415KB svg Android Vector
Vector CCP标定协议代码,经过简单的移植就可以用在项目中
2022-06-29 13:34:29 2.86MB 源码软件
The Support Vector Machine is a powerful new learning algorithm for solving a variety of learning and function estimation problems, such as pattern recognition, regression estimation, and operator inversion. The impetus for this collection was a workshop on Support Vector Machines held at the 1997 NIPS conference. The contributors, both university researchers and engineers developing applications for the corporate world, form a Who's Who of this exciting new area. Contributors: Peter Bartlett, Kristin P. Bennett, Christopher J. C. Burges, Nello Cristianini, Alex Gammerman, Federico Girosi, Simon Haykin, Thorsten Joachims, Linda Kaufman, Jens Kohlmorgen, Ulrich Kreßel, Davide Mattera, Klaus-Robert Müller, Manfred Opper, Edgar E. Osuna, John C. Platt, Gunnar Rätsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, John Shawe-Taylor, Alexander J. Smola, Mark O. Stitson, Vladimir Vapnik, Volodya Vovk, Grace Wahba, Chris Watkins, Jason Weston, Robert C. Williamson.
2022-06-27 11:03:37 11.6MB kernel machine learning svm
The Support Vector Machine is a powerful new learning algorithm for solving a variety of learning and function estimation problems, such as pattern recognition, regression estimation, and operator inversion. The impetus for this collection was a workshop on Support Vector Machines held at the 1997 NIPS conference. The contributors, both university researchers and engineers developing applications for the corporate world, form a Who's Who of this exciting new area. Contributors: Peter Bartlett, Kristin P. Bennett, Christopher J. C. Burges, Nello Cristianini, Alex Gammerman, Federico Girosi, Simon Haykin, Thorsten Joachims, Linda Kaufman, Jens Kohlmorgen, Ulrich Kreßel, Davide Mattera, Klaus-Robert Müller, Manfred Opper, Edgar E. Osuna, John C. Platt, Gunnar Rätsch, Bernhard Schölkopf, John Shawe-Taylor, Alexander J. Smola, Mark O. Stitson, Vladimir Vapnik, Volodya Vovk, Grace Wahba, Chris Watkins, Jason Weston, Robert C. Williamson.
2022-06-27 11:03:00 12.47MB kernel machine learning svm