NSVPX-12.1-55.18_nc_64,此版本修复了 CVE-2019-19781 包含升级补丁,可以将低于此版本的所有系统升级到此版本
2021-05-16 14:56:31 75B Citrix ADC Citrix VPX
全套vita46文档,包括后插板,共26份文档,VITA46.0,VITA46.1,VITA46.3,VITA46.4,VITA46.6,VITA47.0,VITA46.9,VITA46.10,VITA46.11,VITA46-48-42,后插板ANSI_VITA 46.10_RTM.pdf,VITA46.10-支持Rear+Transition+Module.pdf等等
2021-05-11 17:54:46 76.17MB VITA46 VPX
VITA47规范,ANSI/VITA 47-2005 (R2007),文档共22页,共一份文档。 This standard defines environmental, design and construction, safety, and quality requirements for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) plug-in units (cards, modules, etc) intended for mobile applications.
2021-05-10 14:11:33 434KB VITA47 VPX
VITA78是宇航级总线标注。 VITA成员共同致力于定义和开发关键计算机总线、电路板和体系规范,如VME总线,PCI夹层卡(PMC),VXS,VPX和FMC等等。VITA于1984年成立以来,形成了近100个工作团队,开发了对于全世界关键嵌入式系统设计师来说尤为重要的各项规范和标准。体系覆盖从医学成像到太空发射控制,从半导体加工到国防系统,无一不依托基于VITA技术打造的产品。
2021-05-07 10:05:04 5.14MB Space VPX VITA78 总线标准
VITA46.10 RTM ,关于VPX RTM 背板后连接技术。
2021-05-06 21:02:55 8.68MB VPX VITA46 RTM 背板后连接
VPX机箱规格书,很好的结构设计参考。 The VPX6VR180 is a 6U vertical-mount chassis that holds up to sixteen 3U slots at a 1.0” pitch. It features powerful reverse impeller RiCool blowers that reside directly above the card cage. The blowers provide up to 382 CFM in the chassis, pulling air from the front bottom of the enclosure and blowing the exhaust 90 degrees out the rear of the enclosure for a very efficient cooling configuration. The modular card guides can be adjusted to allow 1.0” pitch or other spacing in .2” increments. Conduction-cooled card guides are also available for testing and development. The VPX6VR180 has various power and backplane configuration options, VITA 66/67 and SOSA-based designs. Consult Pixus for off-the-shelf options and customized configurations. Pixus Technologies’ products leverage Rittal’s sleek European quality mechanical designs without the hefty price tag. Customers enjoy proven, time-tested designs that are built in one of the largest manufacturing centers for electronics packaging in the world. With Pixus’ subsystem integration expertise, the result is the best value in the industry for electronics enclosure systems.
2021-05-06 21:02:55 1.47MB VPX 机箱
VPX 连接器资料 This specification covers the requirements for application of MULTIGIG RT 2, RT 2-R, and RT 3 connectors used to interconnect printed circuit (pc) boards. RT 2 and RT 2-R connectors are compliant to the VITA 46 standard for VPX architecture, and TE supports other custom and non-standard MULTIGIG variations. RT 3 is interface compatible with RT 2 and RT 2-R, but utilizes different board footprints with smaller compliant pins and plated thru holes to achieve 16 to 25 Gbps data rates. The connectors consist of end-to-end stackable modules, available in vertical receptacles (backplane application) and right-angle plugs (daughtercard application). Half and full-size connector modules are used within slots of a backplane/plug-in card application. The VITA 46 standard defines connector requirements and OpenVPX standard slot configurations are defined in VITA 65.0 and 65.1.
2021-05-06 21:02:54 1.83MB VITA46 VPX RT2 连接器
本文件为VMEbus应用的高速串行交换的标准化提供了一种标准的机械方式的互连,允许部署在加固的环境。高速串行交换有许多候选技术互联。这些包括但不限于:以太网通过10gbit,光纤通道,InfiniBand™、Serial RapidIO™、PCI Express、Hypertransport、InfiniBand等。每一个技术有其利弊,最终将由市场决定。数据平面定义了一个“域”,用户可以在上面实现他们的互连。
2021-04-18 00:27:42 6.50MB 行业 电信
讲述VPX先关的规范的讲义PPT,包括vita46系列、VITA 48系列、VITA 65系列等多种规范的应用等,是VPX设计的入门级讲义。
2021-04-14 10:08:53 21.11MB VPX
2021-04-05 18:07:02 9.79MB VITA48