Configuration. Most configuration options are inherited from Ext.Window (see ExtJs docs). The added ones are: url - the url where to post uploaded files. base_params - additional post params (default to {}). permitted_extensions - array of file extensions which are permitted to upload (default to []). reset_on_hide - whether to reset upload queue on dialog hide or not (default true). allow_close_on_upload - whether to allow hide/close dialog during upload process (default false). upload_autostart - whether to start upload automaticaly when file added or not (default false). post_var_name - uploaded data POST variable name (defaults to 'file'). Events. filetest - fires before file is added into the queue, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - file name If handler returns false then file will not be queued. fileadd - fires when file is added into the queue, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - file name fileremove - fires when file is removed from the queue, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - file name record - file record resetqueue - fires when upload queue is resetted, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog beforefileuploadstart - fires when file as about to start uploading: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name record - file record If handler returns false then file upload will be canceled. fileuploadstart - fires when file has started uploading: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name record - file record uploadsuccess - fires when file is successfuly uploaded, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name data - js-object builded from json-data returned from upload handler response. record - file record uploaderror - fires when file upload error occured, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - uploaded file name data - js-object builded from json-data returned from upload handler response. record - file record uploadfailed - fires when file upload failed, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - failed file name record - file record uploadcanceled - fires when file upload canceled, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog filename - failed file name record - file record uploadstart - fires when upload process starts, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog uploadstop - fires when upload process stops, parameters: dialog - reference to dialog uploadcomplete - fires when upload process complete (no files to upload left), parameters: dialog - reference to dialog Public methods Better go see the source. I18n. The class is ready for i18n, override the Ext.ux.UploadDialog.Dialog.prototype.i18n object with your language strings, or just pass i18n object in config. Server side handler. The files in the queue are posted one at a time, the file field name is 'file'. The handler should return json encoded object with following properties:
2022-01-01 09:48:38 273KB extjs file upload extend
2021-12-31 11:14:10 314KB upload、上传
Ext.ux.UploadDialog extjs上传文件的组件,免费下载
2021-12-30 15:07:54 270KB extjs ux upload
赛普拉斯上传文件发布表格 我遇到的两个赛普拉斯测试用例的解决方案:对服务器执行直接的http FORM请求,该请求包含文件和其他参数,并在提交之前将文件上传到表单中。 它适用于excel文件。 对于这两种情况,将以表格形式上载/发送的文件都放在文件夹中,以便赛普拉斯可以加载它。 为了构建这些变通办法,我发现以下两个链接很有用: 第一种情况(upload_file_to_form_spec.js): 我想测试一个UI,在提交表单之前必须选择/上传文件。 在cypress支持文件夹内的“ commands.js”文件中包含以下代码,因此可以在任何测试中使用命令cy.upload_file(
2021-12-29 14:45:18 21KB http xmlhttprequest excel file-upload
django块上传 这个简单的django应用程序使用户可以将多个文件中的大文件上传到Django,并可以在上传中断时恢复。 该应用程序旨在与 ()一起使用 。 许可证: 。 演示版 如果您想使用此模块看到一个非常简单的Django演示项目,请查看 。 安装 通过pip安装: pip install django-chunked-upload 然后将其添加到您的Django INSTALLED_APPS : INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'chunked_upload' , ) 典型用法 初始POST请求将发送到链接到带有文件第一块的ChunkedUploadView (或任何子类)的URL。 块文件的名称可以在视图中覆盖(类属性field_name )。 例子: {"my_file": } 作为回报,服务器的响应为upload_
2021-12-29 14:35:50 16KB Python
2021-12-23 14:35:08 51KB antd Upload上传 antd组件Upload上传
基于Lay UI的图书管理系统课程设计报告
2021-12-22 20:03:21 1.55MB spring boot 课程设计报告
使用方法 1.使用规范 如果不想自行编译,可直接使用dest目录下的包 使用时,需要将文件放在源文件夹内,并命名为source.apk,此处会根据配置文件的通道值对source.apk先修改渠道名称,只支持walle方式获取渠道名称 跟账号相关的信息均需要用户自行配置在config.json文件中,每个分段注释,可以自行处理添加 只支持应用更新apk,不支持补充apk 小米平台:进入管理后台,往下拉,可以看到图1 点击后进入图2 华为平台:进入管理后台,进入应用信息,如图1所示点击顶部全部应用,找到Connect API如图2所示: 进入Connect API页面如果没有API客户端则创建,如图3所示: VIVO平台进入管理中心,拖放找到开放能力-> API传包,如图1: 如果没有申请Api传包权限,需要先申请,如下2: 2.注意: 必须已经配置好了java环境 因为小米平台使用了B
2021-12-13 11:19:43 45.6MB Java
PhoneGap-Image-Upload- 将图片从PhoneGap Android应用程序上传到Tomcat服务器
2021-12-09 10:59:29 9.23MB HTML
angular-file-upload 上传控件 封装成了一个用户控件。.net平台使用没有问题。不兼容IE低版本。
2021-12-07 15:13:45 51KB 上传控件