PMBUS 官方资料,通讯协议标准资料。 • PMBus™ Specification And Application Profiles • PMBus In Today’s Servers • PMBus In Next Gen Servers 2 • New Energy Reading Commands • Clarification Of Status Bits And SMBALERT# Signal • Other Coming Updates
2023-01-12 11:50:01 2.4MB PMBUS IIC 
英文官方原版的FlexRay V2.1A协议。 Disclaimer This specification as released by the FlexRay Consortium is intended for the purpose of information only.The use of material contained in this specification requires membership within the FlexRay Consortium or an agreement with the FlexRay Consortium. The FlexRay Consortium will not be liable for any unauthorized use of this Specification.
2023-01-12 11:06:32 4.55MB FlexRay 汽车总线 官方标准协议
英特尔 LPC接口规范,LPC总线,原名叫Low pin count Bus,是在IBM PC兼容机中用于把低带宽设备和“老旧”连接到CPU上。那些常见低速设备有:BIOS,串口,并口,PS/2的键盘和鼠标,软盘控制器,比较新的设备有可信平台模块。LPC总线通常和主板上的南桥物理相连,南桥在IBM PC AT平台上通常连接了一系列的“老旧”设备,例如两个可编程中断控制器, 可编程计时器和两个 ISA DMA 控制器。
2023-01-10 16:28:40 529KB LPC 接口规范 SPEC intel
I2C-Bus 是一种世界范围的标准,使用广泛。通用的I2C总线被使用在各种控制架构之中,如:系统管理总线(SMBus)、电源管理总线(PMBus),智能平台管理接口(IPMI),显示数据通道(DDC)和高级电信计算架构(ATCA)。本文档主要是规范IIC的开发,是学习IIC以及使用IIC的必备参考资料。
2023-01-10 10:06:46 1.33MB IIC 开发手册 IIC规范
Base Device Behavior Specification中文翻译,zigbee3.0 的BDB文档
2022-12-29 18:55:48 2.61MB zigbee 3.0 bdb Base
DP端HDCP2.3 CTS测试说明文档,版本1.1
2022-12-20 10:32:05 1.72MB DP HDCP2.3 CTS测试
PCI Express Base Specification Revision 2.0 协议规范
2022-12-19 19:02:04 3.2MB PCIExpress pci协议
Accessory Interface Specification Release R28 Apple附件接口规范v28,无水印
2022-12-14 09:22:06 28.71MB Apple附件接口规范 AccessoryInterf
This specification defines a standardized NAND Flash device interface that provides the means for a system to be designed that supports a range of NAND Flash devices without direct design pre-association. The solution also provides the means for a system to seamlessly make use of new NAND devices that may not have existed at the time that the system was designed.
2022-12-13 21:02:18 8.15MB SSD NANDFLASH接口
1.1 Purpose This document, which all other MOST Specifications relate to, is the main specification of MOST (Media Oriented System Transport). 1.2 Scope This document contains the specification of the MOST application layer and the MOST network layer. This specification is speed grade independent. However, it is not fully backward compatible to the existing speed grades MOST25 and MOST50 as described in the MOST Specification Rev. 2.5. In some cases a differentiation between specific implementations (speed grade, physical interface) is necessary. The following terms are used to mark corresponding passages.
2022-12-12 12:07:41 2.15MB MOST25 MOST50 MOST150