2021-12-01 09:01:47 209KB linux
SCSI(Small Computer System Interface ,小型计算机系统接口)SPEC,英文的,pdf。
2021-11-30 10:59:08 2.23MB SCSI-SPEC SCSI-SPEC
SAS is a scalable serial interconnect used to move data to, from and within storage devices and systems. 12Gb/s SAS is raising storage performance for I/O-intensive applications, virtualized, and big data environments. It provides double the data transfer rate of 6Gb/s SAS solutions and enables the SAS infrastructure to deliver bandwidth that exceeds that of PCI Express® 3.0. Single drive, single port tests have shown sequential read performance topping 150,000 IOPS and 1,000MB/s. These single lane performance levels are very similar to those of the PCI Express-based storage cards emerging today, while x8 12Gb/s SAS host bus adapters (HBAs) based on this technology are achieving in excess of 1M IOPS. These results are further pushing the limits of extremely scalable platforms and enabling a higher performing class of tiered storage, ranging from mega datacenter scale-out architectures to ultra high-performance solid state solutions. 12Gb/s SAS provides the added performance, scalability, and reliability required for enterprise storage.
2021-11-24 10:21:24 5.81MB SAS3
USB Attached SCSI,了解SCSI必须知道协议规范
2021-11-15 15:21:32 403KB USB Attached SCSI
This standard describes a SCSI transport protocol (see SAM-4) for USB-2 and USB-3
2021-11-11 16:22:00 286KB UAS D2095
HP GEN8 的适用于esxi的 hpvsa驱动,最后一个可用的版本。其他后续版本都有RAID 性能问题,安装后 参见 https://blog.csdn.net/zhidc/article/details/105230243 的教程替换自带的驱动即可,esxi 6.7 也能完美支持和驱动。
2021-10-31 18:46:44 698KB esxi hpe gen8
2021-10-28 17:38:42 5.34MB SCSI指令集
此标准规定了SCSI Block Commands - 3(SBC-3)命令集的功能要求.SBC-3允许SCSI块逻辑单元(如刚性磁盘)连接到计算机并提供其使用的定义。 该标准与SCSI Block Commands(SBC-2)命令集INCITS 405-2005保持高度兼容,并且在提供附加功能的同时,无需更改目前安装的设备或现有软件。
2021-10-28 13:02:34 2.16MB USB SCSI SBC-3 SCSI
SCSI协议族子协议 scsi primary command 4(SPC-4),应该是最新版的,研究存储技术的,例如光盘库之类的技术,都会使用到SCSI协议,最新的中文资料没找到,所以自己翻译吧 本子协议是关顾SCSI设备的控制命令,
2021-10-26 16:54:12 4.2MB scsi primary command 4(SPC-4)
SCSI命令说明,用于USB的U盘应用 ,网上找了很久,很好的。
2021-10-16 15:55:08 1.13MB SCSI