2021-07-29 18:32:57 2.28MB 流体模拟
genesis library genesis library genesis library genesis library
2021-07-10 21:30:28 5.28MB linguistics
采用CSharp(c#)编写的MDI例程,实现图像处理的源代码,包含图像打开、彩色变灰度、均值平滑、高斯平滑、Sobel和Robert边缘检测,原创代码,Visual Studio。
2021-07-04 13:20:14 328KB C# 图像处理 彩色变灰度图 图像平滑
2021-07-04 13:07:00 41KB C#源代码 边缘检测 Robert算子 Bitmap类
主要进行边缘提取,修改了许多,可以处理24位BMP图像,车牌检测上很实用~~Visual Studio 2008编译环境~~
本系统在边缘检测部分能够实现的功能就是,首先系统需要从外部存储器SDRAM 中读取图像数据,这些读取的数据就是接下来进行边缘检测的原始数据,然后利用 Sobel 算子的 3×3 矩阵模板,对图像的各个像素点进行卷积计算,然后通过设定阈值,来判断该像素点是否是该图像的边缘,最后将判断的结果,也就是图像的边缘数据传输到 VGA 接口的液晶屏中进行显示。边缘检测是实现图像分割、目标区域识别和区域形状提取等图像处理技术的基础。通过计算图像灰度分布的梯度可以反映出图像灰度的变化情况。
2021-06-30 19:08:16 2.54MB FPGA Verilog Sobel Robert
算法4大师Robert Sedge所写的的有关python入门的基础以及数据结构算法书籍,为了便于大家学习,特意降低下载分数。
2021-06-27 18:48:17 36.7MB python Robert Sedge 算法
在某些时刻,几乎所有的程序员都要与其程序所处操作系统中的系统调用和程序库打交道。本书主要讨论如何编写Linux系统软件——代码位于底层,并且直接跟内核及核心系统程序库对话。《Linux系统编程》描述了使用标准接口包括使用Linux独有的高级接口时,在功能和性能之间如何进行权衡取舍的策略。 该书同样也是一本内行人士编写灵活高效代码的学习指南。作为内核黑客和本书的作者,RobertLoVe不仅阐释了系统接口应该如何工作,还介绍了它们实际上是如何工作的,以及怎样安全有效地使用它们。《Linux系统编程》包含了帮助你在任何层面编写更佳代码的实用技巧。 本书主题包括: · 读写文件以及其他文件I/O操作,包括Linux内核如何实现和管理文件I/O,内存映射与优化技术 · 进程管理的系统调用,包括实时进程 · 文件与目录——创建、移动、复制、删除和管理 · 内存管理——内存分配接口,管理内存,以及优化内存访问 · 信号及其在Unix系统中的角色,以及基本和高级信号接口 · 时间、休眠和时钟管理,从基础开始讲述,并且涵盖POSIX时钟和高精度计时器 拥有《Linux系统编程》,你将从理论和应用的角度深入了解Linux,可以最大限度地利用系统的潜能。
2021-06-26 11:37:15 28.78MB Linux 系统 扫描
Algorithms 4E_Robert Sedgewick.pdf
2021-06-23 14:25:53 11.84MB Algorithms Robert Sedgewick
Programming skills are indispensable in today’s world, not just for computer science students, but also for anyone in any scientific or technical discipline. Introduction to Programming in Java, Second Edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne is an accessible, interdisciplinary treatment that emphasizes important and engaging applications, not toy problems. The authors supply the tools needed for students and professionals to learn that programming is a natural, satisfying, and creative experience, and to become conversant with one of the world’s most widely used languages. This example-driven guide focuses on Java’s most useful features and brings programming to life for every student in the sciences, engineering, and computer science. Coverage includes Basic elements of programming: variables, assignment statements, built-in data types, conditionals, loops, arrays, and I/O, including graphics and sound Functions, modules, and libraries: organizing programs into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused Algorithms and data structures: sort/search algorithms, stacks, queues, and symbol tables Applications from applied math, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer science Drawing on their extensive classroom experience, throughout the text the authors provide Q&As;, exercises, and opportunities for creative engagement with the material. Together with the companion materials described below, this book empowers people to pursue a modern approach to teaching and learning programming. Companion web site (introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java) contains Chapter summaries Supplementary exercises, some with solutions Detailed instructions for installing a Java programming environment Program code and test data suitable for easy download Detailed creative exercises, projects, and other supplementary materials Companion studio-produced online videos (informit.com/sedgewick) are available for purchase and provide students and professional
2021-06-13 09:12:28 12.52MB java Robert Sedgewick