2021-06-01 18:06:24 623KB 注册表 Trial-Reset v4.0
ModelMaker Tools Code Explorer v11.1.0 ModelMaker Code Explorer: Delphi Refactoring made easy! MMX 11.0.0 released On September 17th 2014 ModelMaker Tools released Code Explorer v 11.1.0 This update includes Delphi XE7 support. Award winning Refactoring Browser with Delphi pascal and C# .Net support. Integrated with Delphi 7, 2007-2010 and and Delphi XE - XE7. Delphi 5 and 6 support provided as service. Improve the design of existing code with build-in refactorings Instant, two-way navigation. Point-and-click, drag-and-drop programming. IntelliReplace™ propagates renames in code. Create and edit classes, members and procedures. Instantly copy, paste and on-the-fly convert classes, methods, properties etc. even between classes and modules. Use Entity Insight™ to change attributes for (multiple) selected members. Movie: Entity Insight demo movie Rearrange and Sort code, maintaining region definitions. Improve Navigation with History, Method Favorites and Member Search Bar Live Documentation support: check the movie Live Documentation demo movie Live Metrics™ check the movie Live Metrics demo movie Source Indexer check the movie Source Indexer demo movie IDE Editor Refactorings bring refactorings right in the Editor. Movie Code Explorer templates demo movie
2021-05-17 08:40:02 8.5MB ModelMaker
NUC970 Power Sequence & RESET
2021-03-28 21:03:58 249KB NUC970PowerSeq
2021-03-23 18:57:28 646KB C语音识别
Epson L110,L210,L300,L350,L355 Re-setter
2021-03-21 15:11:08 1.18MB hardware
Epson Printer L805,L810,L850 Service Tools
2021-03-21 15:11:06 8.62MB hardware
2021-03-19 20:15:52 2.43MB 清零软件
HTML5重置WordPress主题 HTML5重置是一组简单的WordPress最佳实践,可以帮助您轻松完成Web项目。 一些功能: 样式表旨在从浏览器中剥离初始样式,并以空白状态开始开发。 易于定制-删除不需要的内容,保留您要做的事情。 Google Analytics(分析)和jQuery调用 元标记已准备好用于人群 空打印和小屏幕媒体查询 Modernizr.js 使HTML5与IE兼容(以及其他许多出色功能) 允许我们仅在CSS中使用非前缀样式 特定于IE的类,用于简单CSS定位 iPhone / iPad / iTouch图标片段,以及适用于Twitter,Facebook,Windows 8的社交/应用程序元标记 很多其他敏锐的东西 获取普通HTML主题:
2021-03-01 11:06:04 119KB PHP
The main difficulty in stability analysis of reset control systems comes from their state-dependent reset mechanism. It becomes more challenging when output matrix suffers from uncertainties which make the reset time instants uncertain. In this paper, existing quadratic stability results for uncerta
IntelliJIDEA, reset插件一直能够使用
2021-02-20 20:08:03 1KB IntelliJIDEA