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Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing 科学计算艺术第二版第三版C++、无水印清晰版。附带相对应的源代码。以下为该书英文简介: Do you want easy access to the latest methods in scientific computing? This greatly expanded third edition of Numerical Recipes has it, with wider coverage than ever before, many new, expanded and updated sections, and two completely new chapters. The executable C++ code, now printed in colour for easy reading, adopts an object-oriented style particularly suited to scientific applications. Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. The whole book is presented in the informal, easy-to-read style that made earlier editions so popular.
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Learning Jupyter discusses using Jupyter to record your scripts and produce results for data analysis projects. Jupyter allows data scientists to record their complete analysis process, much in the same way that other scientists use a lab notebook for recording tests, progress, results, and conclusions. Jupyter works in a variety of operating systems, and this book covers the use of Jupyter in Windows and macOS, along with the various steps necessary to enable your specific needs. Jupyter supports a variety of scripting languages by the addition of language engines, so the user can use their particular script in a native fashion.
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