2021-09-14 13:01:46 12.79MB djvu版
2021-09-14 11:47:09 7.84MB Quantum Optics
“This book provides an elementary introduction to the subject of quantum optics, the study of the quantum-mechanical nature of light and its interaction with matter.”
2021-09-10 16:29:56 2.68MB Quantum Optics
Mark Fox, Quantum Optics an intorduction, 经典的量子光学。
2021-09-02 21:45:15 8.61MB 量子光学 英文
Computational Fourier Optics a MATLAB tutorial
2021-08-31 14:19:48 4.96MB Fourier Optics
2021-08-30 11:23:42 10.79MB 超快 飞秒 皮秒 脉冲
POPPY:Python中的物理光学传播 罂粟(P物质环境øptics P ropagation在PY马拉松)是一种Python包,包括模拟衍射物理光学传播。 它实现了一个灵活的框架,可以对弗劳恩霍夫和菲涅耳衍射以及点扩散函数的形成进行建模,尤其是在天文望远镜的情况下。 POPPY是作为James Webb空间望远镜模拟程序包的一部分而开发的,但是更广泛地适用于多种成像模拟。 但是,它并不是高保真度光学设计软件(例如Zemax或Code V)的替代品,而是旨在作为衍射光学而非几何光学是人们关注的主题且需要平台之间可移植性的情况的轻巧替代品或易于编写脚本。 有关文档,请参见 Marshall Perrin,Joseph Long,Ewan Douglas,Neil Zimmerman,Anand Sivaramakrishnan,Shannon Osborne,Kyle Dougl
2021-08-30 10:03:49 7.31MB python astronomy optics diffraction
This book introduces optics through the use of simulations, namely, Python. Students, researchers, and engineers will be able to use Python simulations to better understand the basic concepts of optics and professors will be able to provide immediate visualizations of the complex ideas. Readers will learn programming in Python. Throughout this book, a simulated laboratory will be provided where students can learn by "hands on" exploration. The text will cover most of the standard topics of traditional optics.
2021-08-29 10:06:22 63.38MB python
This book is an introduction to this young branch of optics. It is divided into two sections: the fi rst one deals with nonimaging optics—its main concepts and methods. The second section is a summary of the general concepts of geometrical optics and some other topics. Although the fi rst section is meant to be complete by itself, many general concepts have a different usage in nonimaging optics than in other branches of optics. That is why the second part may be very useful by explaining those concepts from the perspective of nonimaging optics. It is, therefore, a part of the book that the reader can refer to while reading the fi rst section, should some concepts seem obscure or used differently from what he or she is used to.
2021-08-17 15:00:38 5.7MB nonimaging optics
示例代码演示了如何使用OmniDriver来驱动来自C,C ++,C#,Java,LabVIEW,Delphi,MATLAB等的Ocean Optics全方位光谱仪。
2021-08-15 16:17:51 1.21MB 开源软件