Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 2) 2017
2022-03-09 21:15:32 27.78MB Robot  Operating  System  ROS
Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 1) 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-03-09 20:58:55 28.88MB Robot Operating System Complete
Operating Systems Principles and Practice Vol III(2nd) 英文epub 第2版 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-03-07 14:35:37 1.48MB Operating Systems Principles Practice
In the early days of computer science, the interactions of hardware, software, compilers, and operating system were simple enough to allow students to see an overall picture of how computers worked. With the increasing complexity of computer technology and the resulting specialization of knowledge, such clarity is often lost. Unlike other texts that cover only one aspect of the field, The Elements of Computing Systems gives students an integrated and rigorous picture of applied computer science, as its comes to play in the construction of a simple yet powerful computer system. Indeed, the best way to understand how computers work is to build one from scratch, and this textbook leads students through twelve chapters and projects that gradually build a basic hardware platform and a modern software hierarchy from the ground up. In the process, the students gain hands-on knowledge of hardware architecture, operating systems, programming languages, compilers, data structures, algorithms, and software engineering. Using this constructive approach, the book exposes a significant body of computer science knowledge and demonstrates how theoretical and applied techniques taught in other courses fit into the overall picture. Designed to support one- or two-semester courses, the book is based on an abstraction-implementation paradigm; each chapter presents a key hardware or software abstraction, a proposed implementation that makes it concrete, and an actual project. The emerging computer system can be built by following the chapters, although this is only one option, since the projects are self-contained and can be done or skipped in any order. All the computer science knowledge necessary for completing the projects is embedded in the book, the only pre-requisite being a programming experience. The book's web site provides all tools and materials necessary to build all the hardware and software systems described in the text, including two hundred test programs for the twelve projects. The projects and systems can be modified to meet various teaching needs, and all the supplied software is open-source.
2022-03-01 15:04:10 6.9MB Operating Sy
a simple, Unix-like teaching operating system-rev8,
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存档通知2021-02-04 我担任了新职务,不再可以使用ODrive进行测试。 如果有人想升职,很乐意添加维护者角色,否则此仓库将留在这里作为其他实现的参考。 odrive_ros 用于ROS驱动 这是ROS驱动程序的基本操作,可以将ODrive用作差分驱动器。 它是基于Python的,因此不是超级快,但是它会让您入门。 也许这将有一个经过优化的C ++版本,但是我很快就不会指望它了。 ;) 未来的计划包括添加模拟模式,以便您可以在凉亭内的模拟模式下继续使用此驱动程序。 欢迎提供反馈,问题和请求请求。 用法 您将需要安装主要的ODrive Python工具。 安装: git clone cd ODrive/tools sudo pip install monotonic # required for py
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2022-01-20 16:25:19 495.51MB network homework operating-system software