This book targets engineers and researchers familiar with basic computer architecture concepts who are interested in learning about on-chip networks. This work is designed to be a short synthesis of the most critical concepts in on-chip network design. It is a resource for both understanding on-chip network basics and for providing an overview of state of-the-art research in on-chip networks. We believe that an overview that teaches both fundamental concepts and highlights state-of-the-art designs will be of great value to both graduate students and industry engineers. While not an exhaustive text, we hope to illuminate fundamental concepts for the reader as well as identify trends and gaps in on-chip network research.
2020-01-03 11:19:13 4.33MB NoC
2019-12-21 21:56:03 4.12MB noxim NoC
NOC博士论文 基本架构 IEEE文章 ACM
2019-12-21 20:00:30 450KB NOC博士论文 基本架构
写一个顶层模块B,B模块中只包含输入输出和例化模块A。模块(module)前面加上 // XST black box declaration // box_type "black_box" // synthesis attribute box_type of sdram_top is "black_box" 。在例化模块A时,前面加上// synthesis translate_off,例化完后加上// synthesis translate_on
2019-12-21 19:43:45 16KB noc 顶层
2010-08-31 00:00:00 4.29MB Network-on-Chip NoC