随着物联网技术的成熟与普及,智能硬件越来越多地应用在人们生活当中。尤其在安防方面,物联网技术得到大幅度提升和应用。RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技术,原本是应用在物流方面的技术,但是自从加入到物联网以后,它的应用场景被无限放大,功能也逐渐完善,尤其是高频卡读写技术被广泛应用在我们的生活中。
You successfully commissioned a NodeMCU custom build from the release branch. You selected the following 18 modules: adc dht file gpio http i2c mqtt net node ow pwm sjson spi tmr u8g2 uart websocket wifi.
We'll keep you posted by email about the progress of your build.
In the meantime I suggest you take a look at the build stats to find out how your firmware configuration compares to others in the community.
You successfully commissioned a NodeMCU custom build from the release branch. You selected the following 18 modules: adc dht file gpio http i2c mqtt net node ow pwm sjson spi tmr u8g2 uart websocket wifi.