A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a Military themed polygonal style game. Build the ultimate battlegrounds game with this solid modern warfare set. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Vehicles (x10) Characters (x15) Ranged Weapons (x19) Melee weapons (x7) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-battle-royale-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-128513
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.18MB Building Weapon Polygon synty
A low poly asset pack of Buildings, Vehicles, Characters, and Props assets to add to your existing polygonal style game. Include a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) Create houses with the modular house kit (also includes preset houses) Key Features - Buildings (x125) Props (x412) Environment (x99) Characters (x9) Vehicles (x8) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/urban/polygon-town-pack-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-121115
2022-06-15 21:05:54 24.2MB Building Polygon synty City
A low poly asset pack of characters, buildings, props, items and environment assets to create a pirate based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes a demo scene (Character poses indicative only) 477 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-pirates-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-92579
2022-06-15 21:05:53 31.87MB Polygon Building World synty
A low poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons and environment assets to create a Western themed polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes a demo scene 305 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Assets include: 6 Vehicle parts including train set 8 Characters with Alternative colors 6 Weapons Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-western-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-112
2022-06-15 21:05:53 16.96MB oldwest Building western synty
An Epic Low Poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons, vehicles and environment assets to create a western themed polygonal style game. Key Features - 329 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors. Assets - Building assets (x42), Environment assets (x147), FX (x5), Generic assets (x9), Props assets (x87) Vehicles (x3) Characters (x21) Weapons (x15) Asset Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/polygon-western-frontier-low-poly-3d-art-by-synty-130564
2022-06-15 12:07:02 19.48MB Environment western Polygon LowPoly
我们目前正处于一场数据革命之中。在科学、健康甚至日常生活中产生的海量和不断增长的数据集将影响社会的许多领域。许多这样的数据集不仅大,而且是高维的,每个数据点可能包含数百万甚至数十亿个数字。以成像为例,一张图像可能包含数百万个或更多的像素;一段视频可能很容易包含10亿个“体素”。为什么在高维空间学习具有挑战性,这是有根本原因的(“维度诅咒”)。跨越信号处理、统计和优化的一个基本挑战是在高维数据集中利用低维结构。低维信号建模推动了理论和应用领域的发展,从医学和科学成像,到低功耗传感器,再到生物信息学数据集的建模和解释,这只是其中的一小部分。然而,大量的现代数据集带来了额外的挑战:随着数据集的增长,数据收集技术变得越来越不受控制,经常会遇到严重错误或恶意破坏,以及非线性。传统的技术在这种情况下完全崩溃,需要新的理论和算法。 为了应对这些挑战,在过去的二十年里,高维空间中低维结构的研究取得了爆炸性的发展。在很大程度上,代表性低维模型的几何和统计性质(如稀疏和低秩及其变体和扩展)现在已经被很好地理解。在何种条件下,这些模型可以有效地和高效地从(最小数量的抽样)数据恢复已经明确的特征。为了从高维
2022-06-13 11:06:01 89.87MB 人工智能
A radical new departure from conventional Bluetooth technology, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) will enable a whole new generation of wireless applications in industries ranging from healthcare to transportation. Running on a single coin-sized battery, BLE can run for years, connecting and extending everything from Personal Area Network devices to next-generation sensors. In Bluetooth Low Energy, one of the standard's developers has written the first comprehensive, accessible introduction to BLE for every system developer, designer, and engineer. Robin Heydon, a member of the Bluetooth "Hall of Fame" brings together information currently scattered through multiple standards documents, offering the context and leading-edge implementation insights needed to build high-performance working systems with BLE. Heydon begins by reviewing BLE's design goals, explaining how they drove key architectural decisions, and introducing BLE's innovative usage models. Next, he thoroughly covers the Controller side of the standard, offering detailed information on physical and link layers, direct test mode, and the host controller interface. Finally, he turns to BLE hosts, explaining L2CAP, attributes, BLE security, and the Generic Access Profile. This book will be an indispensable companion to the official BLE standards documents for every technical professional and decision-maker who is considering BLE, planning BLE products, or transforming plans into working systems.
2022-06-10 12:20:57 6.5MB Bluetooth
移动类硬盘,低级格式化工具,支持大部分品牌及接口类型。一款可以在Windows下对硬盘进行低级格式化工具。支持包括S-ATA(SATA),IDE(E-IDE),SCSI,USB,FIREWIRE等接口在内的硬盘。支持LBA-48模式的硬盘。支持Maxtor,Hitachi,Seagate,Samsung,Toshiba,Fujitsu,IBM,Quantum,Western Digital等出品的硬盘。此软件同样可以用于对闪存卡的低级格式化操作。
2022-06-08 08:19:46 474KB dm
2022-06-07 11:41:18 1.64MB SPX3819