Unity开发Hololens 2混合现实MR增强现实AR应用开发工具包,带中文开发入门文档
2021-02-26 13:03:16 178.98MB Hololens2 Unity MRTK AR
什么是Microsoft OpenXR插件? Microsoft OpenXR插件是一个虚幻引擎游戏插件,当使用OpenXR时,它提供了Microsoft的混合现实设备(例如HoloLens 2)上可用的其他功能。 OpenXR是Khronos的一种开放的免版税API标准,使引擎能够从混合现实领域的供应商处本地访问各种设备。 尽管虚幻引擎本身支持OpenXR,但特定于Microsoft的Mixed Reality平台的某些其他功能仅可通过此插件使用。 注意:Microsoft OpenXR插件需要Unreal 4.26.0+ 。 功能摘要 带有OpenXR的虚幻引擎4.26提供以下内置功能: 眼动追踪 手关节追踪 手和控制器输入动作映射 Microsoft OpenXR插件提供以下附加功能: 键盘输入路由 动态手部网格渲染 空间锚定 从PC进行全息遥控 照片/视频(PV)摄像机访问
2021-02-17 18:05:53 3.89MB unreal mixed-reality openxr C++
2021-01-28 05:04:14 2.05MB HoloLens
Hololens 进行调用相机拍照,将文件保存到本地文件夹,也可以直接转换成Texture2D,然后使用RaeImage直接显示,可以直接导入运行
2020-12-12 18:09:03 15KB Hololens拍照
2019-12-21 21:58:28 26.2MB HoloLens 二维码 unity
2019-12-21 21:45:08 16.13MB uwp socket unity
Microsoft HoloLens使用入门手册--官方使用手册电子版
2019-12-21 21:03:37 1.07MB Holoelns
完全正常使用 分别挂在客户端和服务端 赚点零花钱 不容易。 这么多人收藏 就降价分享给大家了 完全正常使用 分别挂在客户端和服务端 赚点零花钱 不容易。 这么多人收藏 就降价分享给大家了
2019-12-21 21:03:16 3KB Hololens 通信脚本
This is the first book to describe the Microsoft HoloLens wearable augmented reality device and provide step-by-step instructions on how developers can use the HoloLens SDK to create Windows 10 applications that merge holographic virtual reality with the wearer’s actual environment. Best-selling author Allen G. Taylor explains how to develop and deliver HoloLens applications via Microsoft’s ecosystem for third party apps. Readers will also learn how HoloLens differs from other virtual and augmented reality devices and how to create compelling applications to fully utilize its capabilities. What You Will Learn: The features and capabilities of HoloLens How to build a simple Windows 10 app optimized for HoloLens The tools and resources contained in the HoloLens SDK How to build several HoloLens apps, using the SDK tools Table of Contents Part I: The Windows 10 Development Environment and HoloLens Chapter 1: What Is the Microsoft HoloLens? Chapter 2: The Windows 10 Platform Chapter 3: The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Chapter 4: The Development Edition Chapter 5: Getting Started with HoloLens Development Part II: Building Apps Chapter 6: Choosing a Project to Tackle Chapter 7: Forming Project Teams Part III: Developing with the Unity Framework Chapter 8: Create a Hologram with Unity and Visual Studio Chapter 9: Developing with Unity and Visual Studio Chapter 10: Using C# with Visual Studio and Unity Chapter 11: Building the Origami Sample Application Chapter 12: Building the Holograms 240 Shared Application Part IV: Deep Dive into HoloLens Chapter 13: HoloLens Hardware Chapter 14: Creating Holographic Objects Chapter 15: Manipulating Holographic Objects Part V: Creating Mixed-Reality Apps Chapter 16: Creating a Holographic Teaching Tool Chapter 17: Creating Your App Using HoloToolkit Chapter 18: Testing Your App Part VI: Going Beyond App Development Chapter 19: Becoming a HoloLens Pro Chapter 20: Where Is This Technology Taking Us? Appendix A: Windows Dev Ce
2019-12-21 20:59:16 14.95MB HoloLens Apps
Hololens官方开发工具,可直接打包appx,制作hololens 程序必备插件
2019-12-21 20:50:47 9.78MB Hololens