Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications offers a unique and comprehensive treatment of RF/microwave filters based on the microstrip structure, providing a link to applications of computer-aided design tools and advanced materials and technologies. Many novel and sophisticated filters using computer-aided design are discussed, from basic concepts to practical realizations. The book is self-contained—it is not only a valuable design resource but also a handy reference for students, researchers, and engineers in microwave engineering. It can also be used for RF/microwave education.
2021-03-23 16:32:37 5.51MB Microstrip Filters RF
2021-03-20 16:09:58 11.94MB 带通 滤波器 宽带 通信
2021-03-18 14:00:31 340KB SAW Filter
2021-03-11 15:58:33 32.87MB 微波滤波器 阻抗匹配网络 耦合结构
Guided mode resonant filters (GMRFs) for authentication application with low sideband reflection at and azimuthal angles were designed. Using rigorous coupled-wave analysis, the diffractive characteristics of this kind device with different illumination angles, groove depths, and thicknesses of co
2021-02-10 16:05:23 447KB 导模共振 鉴别用 方位角 共振
Django动态过滤器 一个Web应用程序,使用多个输入来演示搜索,以缩小虚拟数据库(自动生成)的搜索结果。 如何 : 克隆存储库或下载.zip git clone https://github.com/PrashanjeetH/Django-Dynamic-filters.git 将工作目录更改为/ src / 创建数据库 python manage.py makemigrations python manage.py migrate 要创建时,将使用自动生成的伪数据填充数据库。 python manage.py create_data title # custom command (create_data) (input filename) 参考 PS:创建超级用户,以探索成为KING的管理员的美好世界。 python manage.py createsuperuser
2021-02-08 19:07:12 46KB django database filter Python
Correlative Filters for Convolutional Neural Networks
2021-02-07 12:05:22 128KB 研究论文
There have been significant advances in the synthesis and physical realization of microwave filter networks over the last three decades. This book provides a coherent and readable description of system requirements and constraints for microwave filters, fundamental considerations in the theory and design of microwave filters, up-to-date modern synthesis techniques with examples and technology considerations in the choice of hardware
2020-01-03 11:41:23 22.7MB ebook
经典beamforming、自适应滤波教材matlab源代码。 Paulo S.R. Diniz编著的自适应滤波第四版(Adaptive Filtering_Algorithms and Practical Implementation 4th),源代码——Nonlinear_Adaptive_Filters
2020-01-03 11:24:29 8KB Beamforming Adaptive Fil Nonlinear_Ad