iMaster NCE-Fabric V100R021C00 通信端口矩阵
iMaster NCE-Fabric V100R021C10 License使用指导书
iMaster NCE-Fabric V100R021C10 MDC产品文档 (chm)
iMaster NCE-Fabric V100R021C10 RESTful API开发指南(chm)
Generally, image-based evaluation on the performance of textile appearance such as smoothness and pilling was interfered by fabric pattern, color, and illumination. In this paper, a new method was used to reconstruct a 3D surface of fabric based on image's features which could eliminate the influence of surface texture. Concretely, two parallel-placed digital cameras were calibrated based on planar pattern and the captured binocular images were rectified through epipolar line. The feature points
2022-06-25 19:11:18 1.01MB fabric; feature matching; SIFT;
将Data Fabric融入混合多云
2022-06-11 09:08:54 533KB DataFabric
fabric photo 基于 canvas 的纯前端的图片编辑器,支持方形,圆形,箭头,缩放,拖拽,鹰眼,马赛克,涂鸦,线条,导出 png,剪切等 online Demo 访问 体验 启动 demo # 安装依赖 npm run i # 运行项目 npm run dev License
2022-06-08 13:50:10 720KB image canvas reactjs JavaScript
Hands-On Enterprise Automation with Python: Automate common administrative and security tasks with the most popular language Python Invent your own Python scripts to automate your infrastructure Hands-On Enterprise Automation with Python starts by covering the set up of a Python environment to perform automation tasks, as well as the modules, libraries, and tools you will be using. We’ll explore examples of network automation tasks using simple Python programs and Ansible. Next, we will walk you through automating administration tasks with Python Fabric, where you will learn to perform server configuration and administration, along with system administration tasks such as user management, database management, and process management. As you progress through this book, you’ll automate several testing services with Python scripts and perform automation tasks on virtual machines and cloud infrastructure with Python. In the concluding chapters, you will cover Python-based offensive security tools and learn how to automate your security tasks. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the skills of automating several system administration tasks with Python. What You Will Learn Understand common automation modules used in Python Develop Python scripts to manage network devices Automate common Linux administration tasks with Ansible and Fabric Managing Linux processes Administrate VMware, OpenStack, and AWS instances with Python Security automation and sharing code on GitHub
2022-06-06 14:11:41 1.2MB 自动化 python ansible fabric
Hyperledger Fabric 提供了软件开发包/SDK以帮助开发者访问fabric网络和部署在网络上的链码,但是Hyperledger Fabric官方没有提供简单易用的REST API访问接口,在这个教程里我们将学习如何利用Hyperledger Fabric的SDK来开发REST API服务器。 1、系统结构概述 相关推荐:H…Fabric Java 开发教程 | H…Fabric Nodejs开发教程 整个系统包含两个物理节点: Fabric节点:运行Fabric示例中的First Network,并且实例化了Fabcar链码 API服务器节点:运行REST API Serve
2022-05-24 17:37:45 1.05MB ab br c
vue-fabric purestart vue-fabric. Installation npm install vue-fabric --save 依赖 下载.和 .到本地 static/js/文件下 本地项目 index.html 引入 [removed][removed] [removed][removed] Import 在main.js中 import 'vue-fabric/dist/vue-fabric.min.css'; import { Fabric } from 'vue-fabric'; Vue.use(Fabric); 使用 <
2022-05-24 10:17:55 1.14MB vue fabric fabricjs vue-fabric