Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005-The Storage Engine.pdf
2022-12-30 17:42:25 5.21MB SQL Storage Engine
2022-12-30 17:41:01 3.06MB SQL Program
2022-12-29 16:40:14 16.91MB 游戏
Cheat Engine 7.4
2022-12-22 16:03:43 46.66MB 内存管理
This book, the third volume in the popular Game Engine Gems series, is composed of short articles that focus on a particular technique, describe a clever trick, or offer practical advice within the subject of game engine development. The 22 chapters cover four broad categories—graphics and rendering, physics, general programming, and artificial intelligence. Professional game developers, students of game development and computer science, and anyone interested in learning how the pros tackle specific problems that arise during game engine development will find useful gems in this collection. TABLE OF CONTENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS Part I — Graphics and Rendering 1. The Open Game Engine Exchange Format Eric Lengyel (Series Editor / Terathon Software LLC) OpenGEX official website 2. Realistic Blending of Skies, Water, and Terrain Frank Kane (Sundog Software, LLC) 3. Fog with a Linear Density Function Eric Lengyel (Series Editor / Terathon Software LLC) 4. Vegetation Management in Leadwerks Game Engine 4 Josh Klint (Leadwerks Software) Download supplementary files for Chapter 4 5. Smooth Horizon Mapping Eric Lengyel (Series Editor / Terathon Software LLC) Download supplementary files for Chapter 5 6. Buffer-Free Generation of Triangle Strip Cube Vertices Don Williamson (Celtoys) 7. Edge-Preserving Smoothing Filter for Particle Based Rendering Kin-Ming Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Tien-Tsin Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Download supplementary files for Chapter 7 8. Variable Precision Pixel Shading for Improved Power Efficiency Rahul P. Sathe (Intel) 9. A Fast and High-Quality Texture Atlasing Algorithm Manny Ko (Activision Blizzard Inc.) Part II — Physics 10. Rotational Joint Limits in Quaternion Space Gino van den Bergen (Dtecta) Download supplementary files for Chapter 10 11. Volumetric Hierarchical Approximate Convex Decomposition Khaled Mamou (AMD) 12. Simulating Soft Bodies Using Strain Based Dynamics Muhammad Mobeen Movania (DHA Suffa University) Download supplementary files for Chapter 12 Part III — General Programming 13. Generic, Lightweight, and Fast Delegates in C++ Stefan Reinalter (Molecular Matters) Download supplementary files for Chapter 13 14. Compile-Time String Hashing in C++ Stefan Reinalter (Molecular Matters) Download supplementary files for Chapter 14 15. Static Reflection in C++ Using Tuples Nicolas Guillemot (Intel) 16. Portable SIMD Programs Using ISPC Nicolas Guillemot (Intel) Marc Fauconneau Dufresne (Intel) 17. Shared Network Arrays as an Abstraction of Network Code from Game Code Logic João Lucas Guberman Raza (Microsoft) Part IV — Character Control and Artificial Intelligence 18. Vision Based Local Collision Avoidance Teófilo Bezerra Dutra (Universidade Federal do Ceará) Ricardo Marques (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Julien Pettré (INRIA) Jan Ondřej (Disney Research) 19. A Programming Framework for Autonomous NPCs Artur de Oliveira da Rocha Franco (Federal University of Ceará) José Gilvan Rodrigues Maia (Federal University of Ceará) Fernando Antonio de Carvalho Gomes (Federal University of Ceará) 20. Beyond Smart Objects: Behavior-Oriented Programming for NPCs in Large Open Worlds Martin Černý (Charles University in Prague) Tomáš Plch (Charles University in Prague / Warhorse Studios) Cyril Brom (Charles University in Prague) 21. A Control System for Enhancing Entity Behavior Mike Ramsey (Ramsey Research, LLC) 22. A Control System Based Approach to Entity Behavior Mike Ramsey (Ramsey Research, LLC)
2022-12-21 00:46:32 11.18MB Game Engine Gems Eric
群组推荐系统 [WIP] 该存储库包含 Group Recommendation 的最新研究论文、数据集和源代码(如果有)。 免费免费创建 PR 进行合并。 基于记忆的方法 偏好聚合 CoFeel:在群组推荐系统中使用情绪进行社交互动。 RecSys 2012 。 [ ] 具有部分信息的产品评级的数学建模和分析。 TKDD 2010 。 [ ] 通过纳入社会关系互动来增强群体推荐。 集团 2010 年。 [ ] 用于委员会决策的组推荐系统中的偏好聚合。 RecSys 2009 。 [ ] 一种考虑群组成员交互的群组推荐系统。 专家系统应用程序2008 年。 [ ] 基于用户档案合并的多观众电视节目推荐。 乌梅 2006 年。 [ ] 自适应无线电:使用否定首选项实现共识。 集团 2005 年。 [ ] 超过其成员的总和:群组推荐系统的挑战。 AVI 2004 。
2022-12-15 13:26:13 1.39MB C# arcgis engine 地图开发
C#\ArcGIS Engine 可以实现以下功能 鼠标滑过显示要素 tip 通过鼠标选择要素并高亮显示在 MapControl 自由旋转地图弹出颜色选择器显示图层的属性窗口 ArcGIS Engine 实现鹰眼 等等
Lei-Get的Godot 3.0.x第一人称摄影机项目 FPC(第一人称相机)运动学播放器参考,并用作您的项目的基础。 百科: 手册: 如果手册或Wiki中有任何问题,请通过在打开问题来通知我。 注意:关于更高版本的Godot 3.x中的“ move_and_slide()” 请注意,在Godot 3.0.2中,“ move_and_slide() ”函数具有5个参数,但是在最新的GitHub版本(截至2018年3月7日)中,它具有6个参数,添加的参数位于第3位,并且是“ bool infinite_inertia” = true ”。 如果此选项为true,则意味着没有其他对象可以旋转角色。 如果为假,则可以施加足够的力量。” “ bool infinite_inertia = true ”表示无法旋转角色,因为这样做需要的惯性是无限的。 来自
2022-12-12 10:12:15 18.97MB character godot godot-engine godot-demo
体素(公制) Voxe(lmetric)是Unity3d的开源体素框架。 它是一个易于使用,易于扩展的体素游戏解决方案。 它目前处于Alpha状态,因此请期待重大更改和不完整的文档。 欢迎对该项目提供任何帮助。 随意创建请求请求,提问或提出新功能。 该项目是我的原始项目Voxe( )与Voxelmetric( )合并的结果。 它从两个方面都取得了最好的成绩-Voxe的性能和Voxelmetric的功能。 这个项目已经进行了很多工作,现在几乎不像以前的项目。 产品特点 世界管理 地形生成 使用洞穴和地标(例如树木)生成逼真的地形。 保存和加载 随时将更改保存并加载到整个世界。 无限地形
2022-12-08 22:34:15 4.44MB framework csharp unity engine