健康服务总线是企业服务总线在医疗行业的实现,它使用 SOA 架构和医疗行业标准为基础,将医疗卫生机构的业务流程、应用系统和相关数据整合起来,提供统一的访问总线。本文给出了 IBM WebSphere Message Broker 为实现平台的参考架构,并详细介绍了与 IBM 其他产品进行集成以提供健康服务总线的相关功能。
2021-05-29 14:03:16 5.99MB 智慧医院 LBS
2021-05-26 09:02:13 3.93MB 企业总线系统(ESB)项目实施
Summary Mule in Action, Second Edition is a totally-revised guide covering Mule 3 fundamentals and best practices. It starts with a quick ESB overview and then dives into rich examples covering core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. About the Technology An enterprise service bus is a way to integrate enterprise applications using a bus-like infrastructure. Mule is the leading open source Java ESB. It borrows from the Hohpe/Woolf patterns, is lightweight, can publish REST and SOAP services, integrates well with Spring, is customizable, scales well, and is cloud-ready. About the Book Mule in Action, Second Edition is a totally revised guide covering Mule 3 fundamentals and best practices. It starts with a quick ESB overview and then dives into rich examples covering core concepts like sending, receiving, routing, and transforming data. You’ll get a close look at Mule’s standard components and how to roll out custom ones. You’ll also pick up techniques for testing, performance tuning, and BPM orchestration, and explore cloud API integration for SaaS applications. Written for developers, architects, and IT managers, this book requires familiarity with Java but no previous exposure to Mule or other ESBs. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. What’s Inside Full coverage of Mule 3 Integration with cloud services Common transports, routers, and transformers Security, routing, orchestration, and transactions About the Authors David Dossot is a software architect and has created numerous modules and transports for Mule. John D’Emic is a principal solutions architect and Victor Romero a solutions architect, both at MuleSoft, Inc. Table of Contents Part 1: Core Mule Chapter 1. Discovering Mule Chapter 2. Processing messages with Mule Chapter 3. Working with connectors Chapter 4. Transforming data with Mule Chapter 5. Routing data with Mule Chapter 6. Working with components an
2021-05-01 11:23:37 19.15MB Mule ESB Java
CDR建设规划方案 1 第1章 引言 3 1.1 方案概述 3 1.2 文档说明 3 第2章 信息化现状分析 5 2.1 项目背景 5 2.2 建设现状 5 2.3 应用情况 6 2.4 不足差距 6 2.5 存在问题 8
2021-04-26 14:02:36 292KB CDR ESB 医院 数据中心
Apache Camel 作为集成项目的利器,针对应用集成场景的抽象出了一套消息交互模型,通过组件的方式进行第三方系统的接入,目前Apache Camel已经提供了300多种组件能够接入HTTP,JMS,TCP,WS-*,WebSocket 等多种传输协议。Apache Camel结合企业应用集成模式(EIP)的特点提供了消息路由,消息转换等领域特定语言(DSL),极大降低了集成应用的开发难度。Apache Camel通过URI的方式来定义需要集成的应用节点信息,用户可以按照业务需求使用DSL快速编写消息路由规则,而无需关注集成协议的细节问题。与传统的企业集成服务总线(ESB)相比,Apache Camel的核心库非常小巧(是一个只有几M的jar包),可以方便地与其他系统进行集成。
2021-04-25 21:01:45 3.77MB camel apache esb
Apache Camel( 是一个非常强大的基于规则的路由以及媒介引擎,该引擎提供了基于POJO的 企业应用模式(EIP--Enterprise Integration Patterns)的实现。
2021-04-25 21:01:45 577KB camel esb
Mule ESB cookbook 书籍+源码+超详细User Guide MuleESBCookbook.pdf MuleESBCookbook_源码.zip Mule ESB 3 User Guide.pdf
2021-04-18 15:07:52 24.85MB Mule ESB Mule ESB
oracle ESB 练习手册中文版,值得学习
2021-04-13 15:54:05 12.48MB osb oracle ESB