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petalinux默认采用的是qspi singlle模式,对于两片采用dual stack连接的flash,需要配置dts和kernel才行。本文档描述了需要配置的关键点,实测OK
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A compact quadruple-mode square ring loaded resonator (SRLR) is proposed in this letter. Distinct mode splitting characteristics of the quadruple-mode SRLR are investigated and explained by using even- and odd-mode analysis. It results to
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Numerical simulation of low repetition rate subnanosecond laser based on dual-loss-modulation
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Claymore's Dual Ethereum + Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal/Blake2s/Keccak AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner.
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压缩感知Bregman迭代的有关文章a unified primal-dual algorithm framework for two classes of problems that arise from various signal and image processing applications.
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this packet codes are about primal dual algorithms for image processing such as image denoising based on ROF model and TV-L1 and Huber ROF, image restoration like deconvolution, image zooming, image inpainting,optical flow for motion estimation and Mumford-Shah multi-label image segmentation problem. these codes are base on the following paper,"a first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with application to imaging", and are organized corresponding to the structure of this paper, therefore these codes are what so-called sample codes of this paper, so they are really convenient to learn and to use. to use them, what you need to do is just to open a folder, and run the corresponding .m file, then you will collect the processing result. to understand these codes,you are recommended to read the paper first, in this case, you can get a better comprehension about these codes. and before you use them, you are also recommended first to read the instructions included in the zip packet,because in all the codes,the primal variables and dual variables are both vectorized which are different from the general situations. if you have any questions about these codes,don't hesitate to contact me via email: Pock, Thomas:pock@icg.tugraz.at Chen, Yunijn:cheny@icg.tugraz.at enjoy them,and good luck with you.
华硕RT-N16刷DUAL TOMATO固件教程+固件
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