Wi-Fi_Display_Technical_Specification_v2.1_0.pdf Download from https://www.wi-fi.org/downloads-registered-guest/Wi-Fi_Display_Technical_Specification_v2.1_0.pdf/34726
2022-03-19 09:52:27 2.49MB WiFi Display
neo4j-visual-display Neo4j图数据可视化 Neo4j + SpringBoot + D3.js 图形数据库是以图形结构的形式存储数据的数据库。 它以节点,关系和属性的形式存储应用程序的数据。 正如RDBMS以表的“行,列”的形式存储数据,GDBMS以“图形”的形式存储数据 启动Neo4j数据库 安装neo4j community版本() 并启动./neo4j start 导入数据 把数据文件放在neo4j的import文件夹下面 (节点信息 和 关系信息) 导入Node节点(node.csv文件) load csv from "file:///node.csv" as line create(n:Node{name:line[0]}) return n 导入Node节点的contradion关系(contradion.csv文件) load cs
2022-03-06 14:09:17 130KB HTML
使用IAR打开工程文件 参考文档: 超声波引导系统开源
2022-03-01 12:06:09 1007KB 代码
Linux, opensource miracast, Wifi display
2022-02-27 11:48:07 184KB miracast linux wifi display
2022-02-11 17:28:30 85KB OLED DISPLAY
软件介绍: 使用时需要重新启动计算进入安全模式运行,以避免出现任何可能出现的问题。给WINDOWS10用户的重要提示:你需要知道你的WINDOWS帐户密码,PIN在安全模式下无法使用,如果你忘记的话请立即关闭本软件。卸载当前和以前版本的显卡驱动程序,但【不要】重新启动计算机。可能会导致黑屏等问题。卸载当前和以前版本的显卡驱动程序,阻止新硬件扫描并关闭计算机,用于安装新的显示卡。本软件在清理显卡驱动程序时,会清理大量与显卡有关的注册表数据。为了以防万一,本软件会在系统运行于正常模式(非安全模式)时,尝试自动创建系统还原点。如果您正在使用AMD双显卡笔记本(Enduro 或相关产品),本软件目前尚未完全兼容 Enduro 笔记本。如继续使用本软件,由此带来的任何风险须自行承担。如果不是在安全模式中运行。为拥有一个更好的驱动清理体验并防止过程中出现的任何意外,推荐您重启电脑并进入安全模式后,再继续使用
2022-02-08 18:01:12 1.12MB 其他资源
A light field three-dimensional (3D) display with multi-projectors and a concave screen is proposed. The system sets the viewing area at the center of the concave screen, making viewers enter the center of the system to watch 3D scene around them. The surrounded 3D scene provides viewers a feast of enhanced immersive experience. The light field principle, rendering algorithm, selection of viewing area and experimental results are discussed in the letter, showing the potential of being an all-aro
2022-01-29 00:10:03 1.68MB
MIPI 规范 2.0 标准文档 (Version 1.0 – MIPI Board Adopted 14 January 2016) 1.1 Scope Interface protocols as well as a description of signal timing relationships are within the scope of this document. Electrical specifications and physical specifications are out of scope for this document. In addition, legacy interfaces such as DPI-2 and DBI-2 are also out of scope for this document. Furthermore, device usage of auxiliary buses such as I2C or SPI, while not precluded by this Specification, are also not within its scope. 1.2 Purpose The Display Serial Interface Specification defines a high-speed serial interface between a peripheral, such as an active-matrix display module, and a host processor in a mobile device. By standardizing this interface, components may be developed that provide higher performance, lower power, less EMI and fewer pins than current devices, while maintaining compatibility across products from multiple vendors.
2022-01-25 11:23:57 1.6MB MIPI DSI STANDARD SPEC
2022-01-19 18:19:18 118KB CSS inline-block
显卡驱动卸载工具,支持AMD NVIDIA驱动卸载
2022-01-10 12:44:30 1.1MB 卸载工具